Monday, November 29, 2010

First Day alone with Lachlan

DH went back to work today and it was a little bit scary. He came in the this morning after letting me sleep...which was really nice and woke me up and said that he was leaving for work and he loved me. I told him that he couldn't go and that he had to stay. He slightly laughed and told me that i would do fine and he needed to go. Once again he kissed me and told him that he loved me and left.

And that is when the fun started.....

As soon as DH left Lachlan started to cry, so i got up out of bed and went in to calm him down. Smelling something funky i thought that Lachlan pooed so i went to change him...nope just wet so i changed his nappy and looked at the cat (i know TMI) Hamish must of gone to the toilet. I stood there holding the baby and looking at the cat and thought how the hell am i going to do this? But i pulled myself together and brought Lachlan down stairs and managed to multi task my way into greatness and managed to do everything with no problem.

The rest of the day has been good and he hasn't had a restless period so far...i am so hoping that he won't have one during the middle of the night (so i am keeping my fingers crossed).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Into a routine

Well it looks like Lachlan is finally getting himself into a routine. He is sleeping 3-4 hours now (in the night he manages to sometimes have 1 sleep where he sleeps for 5 hours). It is really good as Mummy and Daddy are now getting some sleep. He still has a period in the day where he is a bit restless but that is managed with some hug time.

We have also managed to have some outings as well and when we do go out he mostly just sleeps, i think he likes the vibrations of the car and the same when he is in the Pram. I also think he likes the noise as well when we are out at the shops.

Things with me are going well the incision seems to be healing well and my infection seems to be going away. I have also been going for some walks as i am going crazy being stuck at home. I know that you shouldn't be really exercising, but i am making sure that i am taking it easy and not over doing it. I have an appointment with Dr Davis on the 20th December so i should get clearance from him then to go back to exercising.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So many forms

Just a quick update!

I thought i would mention that there are so many forms to fill out after you have a baby and they are all to do with the baby bonus. I so hope when the paid parental leave comes up there are less forms.

Also i would just like to give a shout out to Gymjunkie who had here little girl....she is so beautiful!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just an infection

Well ended up going to the doctors today as it seems i have an infection in my c-section incision sight so now i am on antibiotics and getting dressings done.

On Baby front Lachlan is so awesome and i loving evey moment with him.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life so far with Lachlan

Well we started off a bit rocky when we got home on Thursday as it was a bit daunting knowing that there are no midwifes or doctors around that you can call on when you need help.

The past two nights Lachlan didn't really get any sleep between the hours of 11pm and 3am, but last night he was a dream waking anywhere between 3 or 4 hours between feeds. Which meant mummy and daddy were able to get some sleep.

Tomorrow we are going to have our first outing. DH needs to go see our GP as he needs a letter so he can take some paternity leave and i need to see the GP as i have had a little bit of spot bleeding around my incision site. Then from there we are going to my parents for lunch which will be nice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Finally home with our Little Man

Lachlan Connor Mackay is our new addition to our family. He was born Thursday 11th November 2010 at 1012am.

He was born by an emergency C-section. I needed the c-section as the medication that they put me on to my contractions regular made him distressed.

When he was born he weighted 8p2oz (3696gms) and was 51.5 cm Tall and had a head circumference of 36cm.

On his 3rd day he lost 14% of his body weight (babies should only lose 10% or less of his body weight) and it was found that due to my c-sections and the complications that happened with me during the surgery my milk was not coming in. Due to this i needed to breast feed him (to stimulate the milk) formula feed or use expressed milk to feed him (so that he was being feed) and then express milk (to also stimulate milk production and to feed him). This was a lengthy process and caused both him and me to become very distressed and then it was decided that he will continue to be formula feed as it was taking too long for my milk to come in. Although it was not really what i wanted to do, i was putting the health of my baby first. He has now been putting the weight back on slowly and is now weighing 3845gms.

I am now home (THANK GOD) after beening in hospital for 7 days and am so glad, i am still really tired and sore from my surgery and am going to need to take it easy for a while. My Husband and family have been awesome and so supportive through this all and i don't know what would have happened if i didn't have them.

I would also like to give a big congrats to Lambchops who also had her baby on the 11th i hope you and Ollie are doing well and enjoy every moment with him.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tomorrows the day

Tomorrows the day when my pregnancy will end and our lives will start with our little boy. It is exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.

I have come to terms with not spontaneously going into labour by myself, although i am still nervous about getting my water broken and all that jazz. But one thing i am liking is that i won't be in labour all day. Dr Davis has stated that he won't let it go forever and that i will be holding my baby by Thursday afternoon.

I have been putting the final bits and pieces in my bag, as i don't want to be wondering around at 5am looking for things if i don't have too. I also rang the Hospital this morning and confirmed that i needed to be there at 6:30am and that i didn't have to do anything special before i arrived. I am glad that i am going in early and that Dr Davis will be there when i arrive as it means that i will get to meet my little boy sooner.

I have also been thinking alot about my Cat Hamish. I know it sounds silly but i am going to miss him while i am in Hospital as this will be the longest i have spent away from him. DH says that it is my hormones in over drive and i do tend to believe him. And it is worst as i will have to spend about 5 days in Hospital.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meeting little June

Today i met the baby of my friend from my old job. Her name is June and she is so beautiful and has big beautiful blue eyes she is so cute and couldn't get enough of holding her and hugging her. DH was really good with her and played her making her laugh. She is now 3 months old and when she was born she was placed in special care for 3 days as she was born 3 and half weeks early and was only 2kgs.

Other then meeting my friends baby not much is happening at the moment still seeing a lot of mucus which Dr Davis said would happen after my internal which i had done yesterday and baby is still moving heaps, actually kept me up last night as he was having a good wriggle.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dr Davis appointment

Had my appointment with Dr Davis today and he did an internal exam. He said that everything is looking good but didn't mention that i might go before Thursday when i am getting induced, although he made a note for me to be at the Hospital by 6:3oam on Thursday when we will start the process, and mentioned that i will be holding my little man by Thursday night!!

I thought that i would have some bleeding after the exam but i have nothing like that just a lot of mucus and speaking of mucus i lost my plug early this morning and i guess there was a bit of relief as i thought finally something has happen.

Other then my appointment we put the car seat in today while we were out and about, it is quite exciting!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Well as the title suggests it is D-day and DH and i are eagerly awaiting for something to happen. I know not all things happen when you want them too but i really wish this did so we could meet our little man.

Tomorrow i have an appointment with Dr Davis and he is going to be doing an internal...not something that i am looking forward to as i have heard that you can bleed from having one, but i hope maybe it might bring on labour. But if that doesnt happen and i haven't gone into labour by Wednesday night i will go in Thursday to get induced (which reminds me i will have to contact the hospital to find out what time i will need to get in there).

Well i guess we will take each day as it comes, but i guess the good thing is by friday i could be holding my baby.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Clock ticking down

Well as the title suggests the clock is ticking down to D-day and to tell you the truth i am starting to get frustrated. I guess for the last 9 months there has been a build up of anticipation to this one day that you mark down on the calander and as you cross every day off leading up to that day, you get so excited and i think i have now got to the point when i just want it to happen already.

I know i have 2 days to go (including this one) to my due date and anything can happen at any time but i am now starting to get worried that i will need to be induced. I guess walking into the birthing suits and knowing that they will bring on the contractions with medications scares me. I would love for it to just happen naturally. I have heard some storys that the contractions come on very strong (although i have also heard that some labours are shorter because of this) and painful, and i guess i want to know that i have some control of the situation.

I know that i shouldn't be thinking like this and that i should just relax and what ever happens, happens and that the Doctors know what they are doing and that plenty of women have been induced with no problems.

It is kind of nice to see that DH is getting really excited now about seeing his son. He has basically been talking to my belly every hour telling his son that he needs to come out so he can meet him. It is really cute and i love that he is so excited as he was pretty bottled up about his feelings until a week ago, i guess with the due date coming closer he has realised that it is going to happen.

If i haven't gone into labour by Monday i have an appointment with Dr Davis where he will do an internal to see if my cervix has softend and i guess go through with me about my induction, i know that i will have a lot of questions for him as i am pretty nervous about it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

6 Days to go...

Today i had appointment with Dr Davis and everything is still ok, Baby is still engaged and heart beat is sounding perfect, like i said to the Dr Davis it is still a waiting game...just wish that the game was over so that both my Husband and i can meet our little man.

We also talked about what would happen if i went over (lets hope i don't) I would go and see him next monday and he would do an external exam and he has booked me into the hospial for the 11th November for my induction if in fact i need it. By we will come to that if i haven't gone into labour by Sunday.

Also on another not i have a cold...still which is really annoying and i am it goes away by the time i go into a labour.

By the way 6 days to go!!!!

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