So yesterday was a very eventful afternoon, it started off with me seeing my hematologist. My appointment was for 3pm and at the appointment I was meant to get my letter of approval to be able to have an epidural or a spinal (I had to get this with Lachlan as well). I unfortunately I didn't get my letter as my doctor wants to recheck my results closer to when baby is born (so my c-section date). I also found out at this appointment that my B12 is low so I will need to get B12 injections every two weeks before our little princess is born. Now it is perfectly safe to have these injections and my hematologist said that it will be beneficial for bub and I to have them as B12 helps a lot of things.
Also yesterday I was feeling weird. I don't really know how to explain it but yeah I was feeling weird. Plus over the past couple of days I have had diarrhea (sorry TMI) and I wasn't physically sick like you would if you had gastro, and on Wednesday I had so painful Braxton hicks. DH and I both thought it would be a good idea to ring my birthing suites (as my OB was closed for the evening). I told them what had been happening and they told me to come in straight away. When we got there they checked me over and also bub and after 1 and 1/2 hours they sent me home to rest and told me to come back today (Saturday 28/7) if the diarrhea continued.
So it is Saturday and I haven't had anymore diarrhea (yet). It just seems like one thing after another for me, the nurse actually said to me as I was leaving that I just needed to hold out 4 more weeks. Well that is the plan anyway.
Love won.
7 years ago