When I first started this blog I was using it to get all the trying to conceive craziness out of my head so I could keep real and remain a little but more sane in the real world. Then it turned to a pregnancy diary when I was pregnant with Lachlan, where I found that this blog could be so much more then a carzieness outlet and I began to open myself up to the possiblity that I could use this blog as a therapy tool and help an inspire others that haven through the same issues I have.
Then motherhood began and I was faced with the next chapter in my life, and what a journey it has been thus far...
With all of my pregnancies I just can't compare them as they are so completely different. Jensen's was a normal pregnancy which ended in tragedy, lanchlan's was normal with complicated birth, Charlotte's was complicated pregnancy with a normal c-section. Even with Lachlan and Charlotte they are just two completely different children.
I am in some respects so lucky, and I thank god every day that I was given these two beautiful children to stay her with me, and I pray that he is keeping Jensen and my other angel babies safe.