Saturday, December 27, 2014

Time to get under 80

I know, i know, it's been a while. It seems like lately that life gets in the way a bit too much, and when i do look at my blog i think too myself what can i really write down.

Well i finally have something to write about.

Over the Christmas period i was really worried that i would over indulge and i would pile on the weight and undo all the hard work that i have already done. Thankfully, i only put on about 500g, which will be easier to lose then a few kilos. I have decided that before the end of the year i want to be under 80kg, which gives me 4 days to lose 1.5kg, which i think is totally doable, but with the way my has been slowly (more like snail pace) falling off, im a little worried that i might be really disappointed at myself if it doesnt happen.

I really feel if i lose this 1.5kg myself esteem will reach a high, and i will really start feeling great about myself. A friend of mine is taking duromine and going to the gym. She has asked me to join her at the gym, but the thing is she goes at 10.30 at night, i just cant do that. She doesnt work so she doesnt care about the time, but i just cant do thwt as i work and i get up at 5am to get ready for work and to be out the door by 7.30am. I will just have to figure out my own thing, wnd focus on my eating and make sure that i dont snack on the wrong thing.

The exercise i will be looking at doing to help my weightloss,  will be my usual 5-7km walks, which i will be doing in the morning while i am on annuwl leave, and i will also be doing Les Mils body combat, which i really love, i have also managed to get M involved, and he will be from the 1st January (he wouldnt start any earlier) we will be doing the 30 day squat challenge, and once that is finished we will be doing other challengers, even if i have to make them up.

I will also be getting myself some new joggers. The ones that i have are a little worn and look like they are on their last legs, so i will head to the local shoe shop and get them properly fitted. I really want to start doing some interval training so that i can start running. I am not rewlly a runner, and have never been a runner, but i want to take my walking obviously to the next level.


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