Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quick Post

I bought my stroller today (YAY!!)

We bought a Steelcraft Strider Eden 3 wheeler it is awesome and everything i wanted. It is a perfect size and not heavy and it will be easy to walk around in it...

Although when i was in the store there was so much more that i wanted to buy...but i stood strong and didnt get anything else...yet.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Growing Pains

Well i have been starting to get some major growing pains at the moment and it is mostly around my pelvic area, but it is mostly when i am walking or standing i feel it, but it seems to be fine while i am sitting and laying down.

Other then the pelvic pain i have just had sore breasts but they are easy to deal with as they only hurt when they are touched.

I put in my maternity leave form in today it was really exciting to know that i am one step closer to meeting my little boy. I also put in my last ADOs before i go on leave, it is kind of werid looking at the rosters to see that i only have 4 more before i go on leave. I really like know that i have 9 months paid leave 6 months of it is maternity leave and the other 3 is annual leave.

I have also decided that when i go back to work i will be on reduced hours i will be working 3 days a week for 6 months. It will give me that extra time with the baby and it will ease me back into work.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hospital Visit plus other bits

Had my hospital visit today and got booked in for November (depending on when i go). Got asked a few questions but she was really nice and drilled it into my head that if i had any problems to call...i guess everyone does that when your pregnant, i have a special section in my phone just for hospital/emergency numbers. They also gave me a whole lot of information for myself and DH to read so it will keep us busy for a couple of days.

Also contacted the health insurance today to see how much it was going to cost for me to stay in Hospital and i was really surprised i actually thought that it was going to cost me more, so that has taken a lot off my mind.

I also made a decision (well i think i have) on a stroller. I am looking at getting a Steelcraft...either a strider 3 wheeler or a Strider plus 3 wheeler. I really want to go into a store and try it out before i make any other decisions on it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quick Update

Just a quick update. Little boy has been kicking like crazy today, cant wait til DH can feel it!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Things that have happened in the last 10 or so days

Well the reason that i haven't written in my blog since the 10th June is because my computer has been out of action and my brother who is a computer nerd has been trying to fix it.

A lot of stuff has been happening in SWB for a while now and well it has only really come to the surface, (mostly because some people have been hasseling others to find out).Well anyway i found out some stuff (mostly what really people thought, and also how they thought about me) and it really got me down. I thought that we were there to support each other with no matter what happend and i guess we ALL werent really doing that. And i guess as most things go, some girls formed bonds outside the world or internet (as they were able to) and they moved on. But that doesnt matter now, as we have now made stronger bonds with each other and we are support each other as we really should be.

Anyway moving along, i have had my second ultra sound and found out that i am having a little BOY!!! It is so exciting (althought i didn't care what gender it was as long as it comes out happy and healthy). We have now started to buy stuff and i guess i have this image in my head that he is going to be so tiny so the stuff we have bought looks so big.
Mind you i had to go into the ultra sound place two days in a row as he was being a naughty boy and wasn't doing what he was told lol.

I have also went to another appointment with Dr Davis and he is really happy with the way things are going. Although i haven't asked him any really big questions yet (ie about the birth and other general things) so i better start thinking of some question and start writing them down so i can ask them.

Also another mile stone for me i made it to 20 weeks and i am half way, i am so glad that things have been better this time around and i know things will just keep getting better as well.

I got my new car today, we thought that it was time for a new car as our other one was starting to cost a lot more to fix...this one will be a lot safer :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Movement at the station

Well i haven't written here for a while but here is the short version of what has been happening over the last couple of weeks.

The day before i went to Melbourne was really crappy. I was doing something for my big boss that needed to be down straight away and i heard the other staff bitching that i hadn't down something for them...which wasn't urgent and could wait a few hours. Now i really hate what happened next because i went to an all girls school and i can handle bitching, but i burst into tears and couldn't stop crying, damn pregnancy hormones i really hate them...but things turned out alright in the end.

Melbourne trip was awesome and i was glad to see my sister. But yet again pregnancy hormones came into effect and i ended up crying the first night i was there because i missed DH too much, i didn't think it would effect me as much as it did, and when he came and picked me up from the airport i ended up crying again. But i can say this that Baby doesn't like flying at all and ended up kicking me hard when ever we took off or landed.

So it is really amazing to feel the movements i guess throught of knowing that your pregnant and it is just the thought but actually feeling it now and seeing that your belly is becoming bigger gives you that sense of that it is real again and i guess you get that feeling through out the pregnancy and i think i will get that again at my scan next week...i can't wait to see it again and find out the sex.

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