Well i haven't written here for a while but here is the short version of what has been happening over the last couple of weeks.
The day before i went to Melbourne was really crappy. I was doing something for my big boss that needed to be down straight away and i heard the other staff bitching that i hadn't down something for them...which wasn't urgent and could wait a few hours. Now i really hate what happened next because i went to an all girls school and i can handle bitching, but i burst into tears and couldn't stop crying, damn pregnancy hormones i really hate them...but things turned out alright in the end.
Melbourne trip was awesome and i was glad to see my sister. But yet again pregnancy hormones came into effect and i ended up crying the first night i was there because i missed DH too much, i didn't think it would effect me as much as it did, and when he came and picked me up from the airport i ended up crying again. But i can say this that Baby doesn't like flying at all and ended up kicking me hard when ever we took off or landed.
So it is really amazing to feel the movements i guess throught of knowing that your pregnant and it is just the thought but actually feeling it now and seeing that your belly is becoming bigger gives you that sense of that it is real again and i guess you get that feeling through out the pregnancy and i think i will get that again at my scan next week...i can't wait to see it again and find out the sex.
Love won.
7 years ago
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