Sunday, September 12, 2010

Appointment with Dr Davis and Antenatal class

Well i haven't posted on here for a while so there is a little bit i need to catch you up on it.

Had an appointment with Dr Davis on the 8th September he did the usual things like checked my blood pressure, checked my urine, weight and fundal height. He also checked the postion of my baby his head was down towards my left leg and his feet were up under my left he kind knows which way is down. All in all it was a good appointment, but i still wasn't ready to ask questions about the birth and what were my options with my blood conditions as i wanted to go to my first antenatal class to get some more information before i started asking questions which could be answered in those classes.

So on we went to our first Antenatal class not really knowing what to expect from it. There was a group of 16 of us including partners. The midwife that took the class was really good and made us feel comfortable as it looked like we weren't the only ones that were a bit nervious. There were a fair few topics covered in this first class (the antenatal classes are spread over two Saturday's) the topics are:
  • Overview of labour stages
  • How to recognise the onset of labour
  • what if labour dose not start naturally?
  • How to time a contraction
  • when to come to the hospital
  • Natural resources and strategies for labour
  • Medical alternatives to pain relief
  • Unexpected outcomes and obstetric procedures

There was a lot of info to take in over the 5 hour class and thank god they gave you an overview of all the topics covered as i was unable to take notes as i think i might have felt a bit over my head with about everything that was happening. They showed us a few videos as well about a natural labour with natural resources, a labour with Medical alternatives, a c-section, how the baby gets prepared for labour, an induction and how they put in an epidual.

Thankfully they provided morning tea and lunch as that gave you time to process the information inbetween. But i can say one thing it gives you a lot to think about and what choices you have when you go/don't go into labour.

Although one thing is that i have a lot of questions for Dr Davis now...probably more then i had before which i don't know if it is a good thing or not...i have another class next Saturday which i am really looking foward to as it will probably be the lighter side of the whole giving birth as we get a tour around the birthing/maternity suites, get to see a new born and also talk about setteling/sleeping and breast feeding/bottle feeding.

On another note 8 weeks to go!!! And 4 days of work to go!!!


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