It is amazing to know that it is coming so close to meeting my little boy. But in the back of my mind i think i might be a scared little girl thinking all the ifs and maybes that might happen. I am mostly trying not to think about them as i think i am prepared for what is going to happen and i am up for anything thing Dr Davis suggests as he has delivered millions of babies and i haven't even had one.
I am also afraid of what will happen after i have the baby. My GP has told me that i have a high chance of getting post natal depression due to being diagnosed with depression, anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress disorder and i knew that from the start that there was a possibility of me getting PND, but now as things start getting closer i am thinking about it more and more. I don't have any fears that being a mother isn't going to be easy, i don't have any fears that waking up in all hours of the night is going to be hard, i am also not one of those people that sit there and say i am going to be a bad mother, but the one thing i fear is getting PND and knowing that if i am left alone with my baby and the PND is that bad that i can harm him, i don't want to know that fear.
As DH and i have been together for a long time, he knows the signs of if i am sinking back into that pit, he has been there for some of my hardest moments when all i wanted to do was give up. And being as wonderful as he is, he is very optimistic that i will not get PND, and i guess i need that, i need someone telling me that everything will be fine and to push all those fears aside and to hold me until i feel better.
But i guess we won't know until after the birth to see if these fears unfold and i just have to keep myself together and try not to get anxious about it. As that could definitely contribute to it.
Love won.
7 years ago
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