Friday, November 5, 2010

Clock ticking down

Well as the title suggests the clock is ticking down to D-day and to tell you the truth i am starting to get frustrated. I guess for the last 9 months there has been a build up of anticipation to this one day that you mark down on the calander and as you cross every day off leading up to that day, you get so excited and i think i have now got to the point when i just want it to happen already.

I know i have 2 days to go (including this one) to my due date and anything can happen at any time but i am now starting to get worried that i will need to be induced. I guess walking into the birthing suits and knowing that they will bring on the contractions with medications scares me. I would love for it to just happen naturally. I have heard some storys that the contractions come on very strong (although i have also heard that some labours are shorter because of this) and painful, and i guess i want to know that i have some control of the situation.

I know that i shouldn't be thinking like this and that i should just relax and what ever happens, happens and that the Doctors know what they are doing and that plenty of women have been induced with no problems.

It is kind of nice to see that DH is getting really excited now about seeing his son. He has basically been talking to my belly every hour telling his son that he needs to come out so he can meet him. It is really cute and i love that he is so excited as he was pretty bottled up about his feelings until a week ago, i guess with the due date coming closer he has realised that it is going to happen.

If i haven't gone into labour by Monday i have an appointment with Dr Davis where he will do an internal to see if my cervix has softend and i guess go through with me about my induction, i know that i will have a lot of questions for him as i am pretty nervous about it.


GS said...

From what I understand that feeling like you want to just get him out and over with is pretty normal at this end of things. Think I've heard that quite a few times and I remember my sister saying something similar before my nephew was born!

I've gotten to see a couple of inductions done. I think the thing that they raised was making sure that the intensity of the contractions was not too extreme for the stage of labour and that contractions don't overlap. This is controlled by the rate they administer the syntocin. Shouldn't be too much of an issue if they are monitoring and communicating well with you.

As for reacting badly to induction... a certain proportion will and it will be managed. Cross that bridge IF you get there. Chances are everything will be fine!

Good luck!! :-D

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