Well Lachlan's birthday was a huge success!!!
Our little man was so spoilt with all the pressies that he received from the family and he had a great time playing with his (step) cousin Dylan. I must say that I wasn't as stressed as I thought that I would be and everything ran very smoothly and everyone had a really good time. Like at every function I put together there was way too much food, so everyone went home will a doggy bag of left overs.
I must say that I still can't believe that I have a one year old. It was today a year ago that we brought our little Lachie home and we sat him in the car seat in the middle of the lounge room (he was asleep) and we looked at him and then at each other and it was like what the hell do we do now!!! Thank God it didn't take long for us to get into a nice routine.
I do love that I have been really lucky to have some time off with him and to have gone back to part time work as it has been amazing to watch him grow into the little man that he is now. He is the most amazing little human being that I have ever met and I am so glad that he choose DH and I to be his parents. (Which re minds me I should really put some pics of him up).
On the TTC front AF decided on Lachlan's birthday of all days that she would show up (HOW RUDE!!). So this is now our 4th Cycle (this time around) that we have been TTC, DH and I will be trying the sperm meets egg method this month. We thought that seen as though in the middle of the cycle is when we see Dr Davis (28th November), so we don't really have much to lose.
I am also calling Dr Davis my good luck charm, as when we last saw him about TTC issues (Jan 2010) the next month we found out we were pregnant with Lachlan, so I am hoping that he will be lucky for us this time around as well!!