I am sorry that it has been a while and there has been some stuff going on.
On Sunday 4th March I woke up like any other morning and we went about our normal Sunday ritual. DH went in to get Lachlan and changed his nappy and I went off for my 400th pee of the morning as this bub in my belly really loves to make me pee. At this moment when I went to the toilet it was one of the scariest moments that can happen to a pregnant women. Blood...and lots of it. It covered the whole toilet paper and it scared the crap out of me, the thought of having another miscarriage filled my thoughts and the tears started rolling down my cheeks and my hands started to shake. I finished up in the bathroom and came out to see my DH feeding our son breakfast. He looked up at me and all I could say was I was bleeding.
DH didn't have to be asked he got us all ready and into the car and took me to emergency. I saw the nurse first up and balled my eyes out too her saying how this can't be another miscarriage that this baby needs to be safe. The nurse calmed me and took my vitals and told me that she would organise an ultrasound for me and that a doctor will call me in soon.
I went out and sat with DH and Lachlan (who was being an awesome little boy in the waiting room) and once again cried my eyes out again. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long for the ultrasound as the wardsman brought the wheelchair and rolled me around (with DH and Lachlan in tow) to the room. I was told to lie on the bed and she put the gel on and started the scan. I was lying there with my eyes closed and the words repeating over and over again was please be ok, please be safe. It felt like it was taking forever until she turned the screen around and said, theirs your baby and their is it's heartbeat.
Once again the tears rushed down my face again and I was so happy that my baby was safe with a perfect heartbeat of 170bpm and perfect.
But this meant that we were no closer to finding out why I was bleeding so much. So back to the waiting we went and I sat there for a while, but then a young female doctor came out and got me (by this time DH had taken Lachlan home for a sleep as there was too much going on in emergency and he just wasn't having his morning sleep which he really needed).
The Doctor took me around to an examination room and sat me down and told me about the results of the ultrasound which found that I have a bleed behind my placenta (subchorionic hematoma), the doctor didn't really know much about it but said that she would contact the on call OBGYN after she does a couple of other test.
The tests she did was a blood test and a pelvic examine. The examine found that I had clots at my cervix. To put it plainly the doctors in emergency were useless and didn't give me any information and sent me home saying that things would be ok.
I wasn't happy with this and contacted my OB and got any appointment for the next morning.
I saw Dr Davis and he explained that this does happen to some woman and for me due to my blood conditions (which I did tell the emergency doctors about) I need to rest (this week I am on bed rest until my ultrasound this Friday) and I will need to see him every couple of weeks. He said that the bleeding will continue until it is settled and usually it is absorbed by the body. I am to take it easy when I return to work and I am not allowed to lift anything and that I may have some cramping.
The thing that is really bothering me is that I am not allowed to lift my son, and I have tried and got some painful cramps. I have had some cries about it.
I have been really lucky that DH has been on holidays so he has been really helping me out but next week I will be on my own during the day when DH goes back to work. I have organised for my parents to help me out and take me to work as there is a big hill that I have to walk up and am unable to do in my current condition.
A very scary moment for me and I am so looking forward to this ultrasound as I am bleeding and cramping it is hard to be positive.
Love won.
7 years ago
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