Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whatever it takes!

I have come to a stage where I am saying "whatever it takes", when it comes to Charlotte and her health issues. 

I know that things will be hard around here until we find something to help with Charlotte and her reflux, and I guess also her milk protein allergy as well. So I am just going to say whatever it takes, and if that means I will be baby wearing her all day every day or singing to her to get her to open her mouth so that she can feed, then that is what I am going to do. And yes singing is what I have to do to get her to feed at the moment, but at least she is feeding.  One good thing is that she has double her birth weight (birth weight 2.7) to 5.4 kg, although coming up to 6 months she is still only 6.4kg and has only put a kilo on in 2 months.

At this stage she is on this special prescription formula, and well that isn't working so we have put her on her old formula until we see her pediatrician tomorrow to discuss our next options, whatever they might be. 

Although I am totally drained, and she is not sleeping more then 30 minutes during the day, and in between feeds there is more crying and screaming then smiles, I am going to focus on those smiles and try and get her and our family through this. 

The reason my pregnancy with Charlotte was so hard, is to prepare myself for the long road that we have ahead with her reflux.  

Also I decided that it was time for a bit of a blog change, so there is a nice new pretty pink background. 


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