Sunday, December 11, 2011


I am feeling so hurt right now and I don't know of anyone I can turn to.

My heart is breaking and I feel so betrayed. So dirty.

I don't know how I can express how I am feeling or tell him how he has made me feel.

The tears have continuously been rolling down my cheeks since he told me. The anger has been bubbling to boiling point and at one point last night it spilled over in an outburst of rage. My chest is sore from uncontrollable sobbing.

But still I sit here not knowing what I should do. My head is all confused and clouded, my heart is in a million pieces and can't be found. How am I meant to make this decision? How am I meant to make the decision that will change our lives forever? How am I meant to say I failed?

Is it actually my fault? Did I cause this? Was there something that I could have done to prevent this?

Why do bad things always happen to me?


babycrazykiwi said...

Oh hun this doesn't sound good at all. I don't know what happened but I'm sorry its happening. When you're ready and if you're ready to talk I'm here to listen. I'm sorry you're hurting so badly. Thinking of you....xx

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