Friday, January 27, 2012

6 weeks, 3 days

Vomit, vomit, vomit!

That is how I am feeling at the moment, and that is all I want to do at the moment. The only thing that is stopping me from vomiting all over the place is candy canes (I found a box from Christmas that was in date) and red frogs. (I love red frogs).

This pregnancy has been so different already from my pregnancy with Lachlan. With him all I wanted was salt n vinegar c
hips at this stage, I remember eating them by the bag full as I couldn't get enough of them!! But with this belly bub all I want is sweet things...I AM GOING TO BE HUGE AT THE END OF THIS PRENGNANCY!!!

Every fibre in my body at the moment is tell me that this bub is a girl.

1 week and 4 days until we get to see belly bub

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

6 Weeks

I am exhausted I have been up since I needed to pee at 2.30 this morning.

It all started when when we went to bed. Recently DH and I have been going to bed at about 7pm and we watch some of the tennis I usually fall asleep, well I couldn't as I had as I have so much nausea (some how I turned the TV off about 9.30pm and went to sleep). Then when I woke up at 2.30am busting to pee I came back to bed had a sip of water and all I felt like doing was vomiting I was so gross and it continued like that until I took a maxilon tablet at 5.30am, but I still couldn't go back to sleep. So I am still exhausted.

I have had my HCG rechecked and my levels are still rising nicely and it is a nice weight off my mind.

2 weeks until we meet belly bub.

Friday, January 20, 2012

5 weeks, 3 days

What a day!

This morning I started having the brown spotting again! Which just started the stress of the day. All I wanted to do was break down and cry, but I didn't want to cry in front of Lachlan.

I also had a dizzy spell this morning while changing him (I couldn't have picked a worse time to have one, so I quickly changed him and put him down safely so that I could just sit for a moment and have a cold glass of water. It probably didn't help that it was really warm in the house this morning, so I opened a couple of windows and let some fresh air in.

With the spotting and the dizzy spell I rang DH and he came home from work early. He basically came in the door and told me to lay on the lounge and not move. Once Lachlan had his morning sleep I had a big cry to DH as I really needed to just left it all out.

I just keep feeling that this bub is not going to stay sticky. I know brown spotting isn't really that concerning but seeing it on the toilet paper when you don't expect to see anything is really worrying. I know that I had a little spotting when I was pregnant with Lachlan but it didn't go on and off for days, with Lachlan it only lasted 2 days at most.

I really just hope that it doesn't continue.

Also today I had an appointment with my Haematologist. He was really excited to hear that DH and I were pregnant again and that he thought that the gap we will have between Lachlan and this belly bub will be great!

My bloods so far and all good, bar my B12 which is a little low, but he said that I could take Mega B complex and it would boost it once again.

I will need to have repeat bloods once again in a few weeks.

2 weeks 4 days until we get to see Belly Bub!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

5 weeks, 1 day

Time is really going slow, I found out about 2 weeks ago that I was pregnant and since then it seems like time is standing still. All I want to do is see my little belly bub/s, but that is like 3 weeks away...that is too far away!! I am really considering calling the ultrasound place and changing my appointment to a week earlier, I am sure this would be fine if I do this as I will be about 7 weeks and with Lachlan, I saw a flicker of a heartbeat at 6 weeks.

This is really looking like the TTW. You DTD at O and then you have to wait those through those horrible 2 weeks dying to test, I have now replaced this with waiting for the ultrasound lol.

As for symptoms I am still incredibly fatigued. It doesn't help that 2 days our of the 3 I work I finish at 7pm, so last night I got home at 7.30pm had a little dinner, but I was in bed at 8.30pm fast asleep, and already today I can tell that I am going to be in bed early.

I also had my first vomit yesterday. I had to go to the bathroom at work 3 times before that I had the spew, but I felt so much better once I did. But the constant nausea soon came back.

I have also been craving sweet things as well. I was dying for a crunchie bar yesterday but I didn't have one, but thankfully I found some of DH white chocolate (and I hate white chocolate) and that took the edge off.

3 weeks to go until we get to see Belly Bub/s!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

4 weeks, 3 days

I think I have scared myself a little. I have had some brown CM when I wipe after going to the toilet, I am not  too concerned as I had some brow spotting when I was pregnant with Lachlan and now I have a happy health 14 month old. 

I have also been really fatigued which is not helping with many things that are going on in my life. 

DH and I told our parents today. We went over to my mum and dads and they were really happy for us. Unfortunately DH parents are over an hour away from us so he rang them and they were also really excited and happy for us. This will be my parents 3rd grandchild and DH parents 5th grandchild. 

I have also told my older sister and she has already said that she will make arrangements for leave in September. My older sister lives in Melbourne and was really upset that she couldn't make it up for Lachlan's birth, so she really wants to come up this time. 

3 weeks 5 days for the first ultrasound!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 weeks & 2 days

Saw my GP yesterday and got my new referral for Dr D. My GP seems to think that Dr D is some kind of fertility God as every time I have seen him due to becoming pregnant, a month later I have done a HPT and BAM I am 

I also went for my first rounds of bloods today. It was really nice to have the same nurse that did my 21 day progesterone test. She remembered me from taking my bloods that day and was really happy that I had become pregnant. I had DH and DS with me and she kept saying that we needed to have more children as our son was gorgeous. 

The nurse was really kind and marked my bloods urgent so at 2pm the nurse rang me and told me that I was very much still very pregnant. Unfortunately I was too caught up in the excitement of someone telling me that I was pregnant that I forgot to ask what the levels were. But I can find them out when I see Dr D on the 14th February. (valentines day!). 

3 weeks and 6 days until we get to see our belly bub! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

3 Weeks and 6 Days....I think

Well today I had my first OB appointment today and have been given a referral for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy (but after all those HPTs that I have been peeing on and the positives that I have been getting you better hope that I am pregnant).

I also received a referral for my first ultrasound!! I will be having my ultrasound on the 8th February and then I think I will be 7 weeks. And will be seeing the OB again on 14th February. All the results of the blood test that I will be having I will get the results over the phone.

At the moment the fatigued has been setting and I have been really super hungry! I have been feeling the twinges like I did with Lachlan, and I haven't started getting nausea yet so fingers crossed once it kicks in it isn't too bad.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I am so excited I tested this morning and it came up with a faint line!!! I will be testing again tomorrow just to make sure but OMG!!

DH is so excited and already making plans and we are both excited that Lachlan will be a big I can't believe that Clomid worked!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I am exhausted!! For some reason over the last 4 days my body has decided to wake me up at 4.15 every morning so I can pee!! This is do not on I can bearley function at the moment, not good when you ate looking after a active 1 year old.

Yesterday was a beautiful hot day here and Lachlan got to have a play in his new shell pool which he really enjoyed and after his play we sat on the couch and shared an ice block. At that moment I had a bit of an emotional moment, I said to Lachlan that if he was my only child I would still be the happiest mum in the world. He is such a beautiful boy inside and out, he is always excited to play with someone new and barely chucks any tantrums. I am turly lucky to have this awesome little boy as my son.

I think I have been thinking a lot lately as I and DH have been thinking that we might be out for this month. I don't know it is just a feeling really, there has been no sign of AF yet, but I don't know I don't feel pregnant at all. I was having what I thought were symptoms earlier on but now I am not really feeling anything.

At the moment I am 9 DPO and it is 1 more day until I can test. I told myself I would wait until 10 DPO and it is almost here. THANK GOD! I have been dying to pee on a stick! I got a positive HPT at 10 DPO so I am hoping that tomorrow I will get that second line.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello I am Kimnus and I am an addict

Well I couldn't hold back. This morning I tested and of course it was a BFN, I knew when I took the test that it was going to be a BFN, but I really needed to get it out of my system.

I was lying in bed at 4.30am and I was thinking, should I test or shouldn't I test...and testing got the better of me.

I will try and hold out for another 3 days, as like I said too myself I won't see anything until then anyway.

Today I went for my 21 day progesterone test to see if I O'ed. I am feeling pretty confident about it at the moment, I got a nice dark OPK on CD 14 and my temps are doing all the right things as well.

The symptoms I am feeling at the moment are:
- Fatigue (I feel asleep on the couch this morning. So not like me)
- Cramps
- Frequent Urination
- Increased CM

But my one problem is that this is my first round on Clomid so I don't know how long it stays around in your system for? I will have to ask Dr Davis when I see him on the 9th.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting to put the new years resolutions into action

Well I am really sticking to things this year and I have already started to do things on my resolutions list already.

1. To become pregnant.

We have already started to TTC and I am currently 6 DPO and I am dying to POAS. I am trying to stay strong and wait until 10 DPO, but I don't think I can, I think that I will need to take a test tomorrow.

2. To lose weight.

I have joined a site call myfitnesspal so I can track my calorie intake which has been a big help and I am starting to go for walks and I am looking at getting an xbox connect as well hoping that I can lose some weight that way as well. I also have a friend that I go to the gym with sometimes and I am going to start that up again so we can motivate each other a bit more.

Although I think that I am going to track my heart beat a bit more as I don't know if I am pregnant just yet, I might have to ask someone at the gym to see what I should have to keep my heart rate at.

3. To get a tattoo.

I have been really wanting to get Lachlan's name tattooed on me , plus a couple of other tattoos that mean a lot to me. I have picked the lettering to Lachlan's name and I have also designed a tattoo for my angel babies that I want as well (plus I have some sexy tattoos that I want done as well).

But once again I will have to wait to see if I am pregnant before I get these tattoos done.

4. Continue studying.

I am currently studying a Batchelor of Education (primary) but I have decided to change my degree and do a Batchelor of behavioural science (psychology) I seem to have more of an interest in psychology and I seem to be a bit unmotivated in Education. So in January I am going to enrol into Behavioural Science. So excited!!

5. To keep repairing my relationship with DH.

Things have been a bit weird with me today. Something happened with a friend of mine and she has left her husband, but the weird thing is that her doing this has made me rethink a couple of things in my marriage. I know I should have probably thought about this when DH actually cheated on my but I think with my friend leaving her husband it has really made a switch flick in my head. I really don't know what to do, DH is really making an effort and is finally putting Lachlan and I first and I am loving it, but does it mean that I forget about the things he did? I am really going to need to think about things over the next couple of days.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 - The Year Of New Beginnings

Happy New Year to all my readers! I hope you brought the New Year in with style no matter what you did.

7 years ago on New Year's Eve I met my DH. I had only recently broken up with my boyfriend (actually 3 days before New Year's Eve) and my friends decided that it would be a good idea to get out for New Years Eve and come with them to the Rocks in Sydney and bring the New Year in.

so I prettied myself up and went in with them. I had a blast met a lot of interesting people and danced the night away. At 11.30pm a really good looking guy can up to my friends and I and said "Hello Ladies." And at the time he came up to us I was giving him free hugs, so I gave him a hug and there was an instant connection between us. He told us how he had a really great spot to watch the fireworks and we went back with him. From there we stayed and watched the fireworks and at Midnight we had our first kiss. It was so magical.

As I think back to that moment when everything was new and exciting it makes me think about the year we have had. It has been one crappy year. The affair, we said goodbye to another Angel, the pain of everything....but it has been a year of memories as well. Our Lachlan turned one! Watching him grow into the little man that he is has been so amazing and we are so proud of him.

2012 is going to be the year of new beginnings for our little family. And I hope that this year will start off with a bang for us.

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