I am exhausted!! For some reason over the last 4 days my body has decided to wake me up at 4.15 every morning so I can pee!! This is do not on I can bearley function at the moment, not good when you ate looking after a active 1 year old.
Yesterday was a beautiful hot day here and Lachlan got to have a play in his new shell pool which he really enjoyed and after his play we sat on the couch and shared an ice block. At that moment I had a bit of an emotional moment, I said to Lachlan that if he was my only child I would still be the happiest mum in the world. He is such a beautiful boy inside and out, he is always excited to play with someone new and barely chucks any tantrums. I am turly lucky to have this awesome little boy as my son.
I think I have been thinking a lot lately as I and DH have been thinking that we might be out for this month. I don't know it is just a feeling really, there has been no sign of AF yet, but I don't know I don't feel pregnant at all. I was having what I thought were symptoms earlier on but now I am not really feeling anything.
At the moment I am 9 DPO and it is 1 more day until I can test. I told myself I would wait until 10 DPO and it is almost here. THANK GOD! I have been dying to pee on a stick! I got a positive HPT at 10 DPO so I am hoping that tomorrow I will get that second line.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Love won.
7 years ago
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