Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello I am Kimnus and I am an addict

Well I couldn't hold back. This morning I tested and of course it was a BFN, I knew when I took the test that it was going to be a BFN, but I really needed to get it out of my system.

I was lying in bed at 4.30am and I was thinking, should I test or shouldn't I test...and testing got the better of me.

I will try and hold out for another 3 days, as like I said too myself I won't see anything until then anyway.

Today I went for my 21 day progesterone test to see if I O'ed. I am feeling pretty confident about it at the moment, I got a nice dark OPK on CD 14 and my temps are doing all the right things as well.

The symptoms I am feeling at the moment are:
- Fatigue (I feel asleep on the couch this morning. So not like me)
- Cramps
- Frequent Urination
- Increased CM

But my one problem is that this is my first round on Clomid so I don't know how long it stays around in your system for? I will have to ask Dr Davis when I see him on the 9th.


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