Wednesday, May 23, 2012

23 weeks

an style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">Yesterday I had my appointment with Dr D and we discussed the results of my infection as it wasn't really discussed in hospital as all the results weren't back. He has decided to keep me on the antibiotics until I finish them in 6 days (sigh). I am really struggling to take them 4 times a day, as I need to take them with a meal and at night before bed when I should take the 4th dose I am not really hungry so I have been missing it....I am sure it won't kill me to not take it then as I am still taking the medication just 3 times instead of 4.

Baby is also measuring a week behind at the moment, but he isn't too concerned at this stage as I was unwell the pas week. 

My only concern at the moment and I will have to remember to bring it up at my next appointment is that when bub kicks me in the cervix I feel like there is a bubble that has popped inside. I know it sounds weird and I feel weird saying it, but I think I will have to ask him about it. 


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