I recently received an email from my good friend at Work Life Bliss and fellow Nov 2010 mum about how to finish the year off strong. She has recently registered to an on-line goal setting program called The 100 day challenge, the idea of this challenge is to pick five challenges (could be anything from weight loss to cleaning your house) and create an action plan which will make you accountable for the following 100 days (which will see you out to the end of the year).
I personally couldn't love this idea more! I think it is a fantastic way to either complete something you started at the start of 2012 and haven't finished or start something that you have been meaning to do all year. As part of the 100 day challenge it asks you to start and end the day with a personal win, which I also think is a great idea as you will will be able to start the day with that perfect release of endorphins which gives you that nice happy high and also end in the exact same way so you will feel like you have achieved something.
I have already sat down and created my list of 5 challenges to finish the year off (as I have noticed that there is a little less then 100 days to go).
To finishthe current unit that I am studying through OTEN, then ask for more units.
- On the days that Lachlan has childcare and betweenfeeding and settling Charlotte I can study. I will also create a space so I canstudy while looking after both Lachlan and Charlotte on non-childcare days, asdifficult as this might be, anything is achievable if you put your mind too it
Begin exercising.
- Once fully recovered from my C-section and have beengiven the go ahead by Dr Davis to exercise I will start walking, then graduallyimplement an easy to follow exercise programme that I can do early in themorning before Lachlan and Charlotte wake or I can do while they sleep duringthe day.
- Watching what I put on my plate and what I put into mymouth. I will gradually lesson my meal sizes and start implementing good eatinghabits.
Distress mylife.
- Find easier ways to do things and stop taking the longway around. As I am a new mum of 2 I need to find easier ways I can achieve mydaily goals.
Fun ideas for the kids.
- Finding new ways to entertain Lachlan on non-childcaredays while I tend to Charlotte and start to get into a bit of a routine withher. I will document the ideas I come up with so I don’t risk of repeatingthings 2 days in a row and so that I can return to that idea if it was successful.
I feel that all these challenges are achievable and if I don't achieve
them before the end of 2012 I will be able to at least start them and
turn them into new year resolutions :)
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