Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A downer post

Things are still crap. Charlotte's reflux isn't getting any better and the Losec just seems to be making things worse with more violent projectile vomits and more long days and nights if her crying and screaming. She has also had this cough since birth that hasn't gone away.

I called her paediatrician today, but unfortunately he was extremely busy and he didn't get back to me today, so he will be getting another call from me tomorrow and I will also be taking her to the GP tomorrow to see if he can do anything for us and I will also get him to check out why she has this cough.

I will also be seeing the doctor as my anxiety is rearing its ugly head again. I know it is because of the added stress of Charlotte's reflux and because of the lack of sleep. I have also been feeling down and flat, I know I don't have post natal depression as I have regular depression and I know with having a child I am prone to becoming depressed as it happened after I had Lachlan, but that also came about with the other things that were going on in my life then.


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