Last week was my first week when I was officially a stay at home mum of 2 and let me tell you, it was a little harder then I first thought.
The 2 children on their own I can handle, but put them together it creates a bit of hair pulling.
Lachlan was thankfully was in childcare Monday and Tuesday so I got to figure out how Charlotte and I work on our own and I actually got a fair bit of studying done.
Come Wednesday that is when it started. Lachlan has that whole toilet training training thing going on so that just makes this whole situation a bit harder, also it doesn't help that we have the terrible 2s starting as well.
By Thursday Lachlan was pushing my buttons a bit and I was wanting to throw him out the window (but don't worry I controlled myself). I was glad that DH came home early from work that day.
On Friday Lachlan and I must have come to an understanding as he was a good little boy and was really helpful.
Charlotte on those days was a dream as usual. I am sure that once she has more awake time there will be more work there.
I am still feeling dark and twisty and I have told DH that is how I am feeling but we haven't talked about it. I am not sure that we will talk about it in the short term.
DH and I are also going to organise a holiday for the end of next year (when Charlotte is 1). We are looking up North, probably the Whitsundays. So my weightless goal is aimed towards there.
Love won.
7 years ago
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