Thursday, March 7, 2013

Let go of your past, as your past has let go of you.

I had a really good session today with J (if you have forgotten, she is my psychologist), we had a bit of a chat to start off with and talked about how things were going with Charlotte, as I had mentioned to her about the different things that had been good on. She said that she had noticed that I looked a lot calmer and that I had also had lost some weight (yay go me!). 

As we moved on with the session we discussed the possibility of me trying hypnosis. I kind of laughed about the idea and asked if she was going to make me bark like a chicken and she laughed, then turned to me and said that its actually bark like a duck. After our laughter subsided we actually talked about the benefits of trying hypnosis, and how it is not like you see on TV. J said that I would have complete control and that if I didn't like any thing she said I could come back and we could stop. 

I thought for a moment and said what the hell...I am sure it wouldn't do any harm. So I say on the couch and closed my eyes and went for it. I can't really remember everything see said while I was under hypnosis, but one thing did stay with me. J said that we can't change our past and that we need to let go of our past, as our past has let go of you. 

It really stuck with me through the whole session and it really got me thinking. I know I have talked a bit about my past with J (and blogged about it here), but I have always talked to her about how I don't want it to define who I am, that I want to be about confront it and not be afraid of it, but I have never talked to her about forgetting it and just letting go. This basically gives me a whole new way of thinking about it. 

Do I really want to forget about it and let go of it forever? 

If I do let go and forget about it, how do I go about doing it?

Something really to think about for I see her again in 2 weeks.


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