Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Well like bloody usual when it comes to people in my house getting sick, I always end up being the one that ends up the sickest. 

This time around it started last Monday (15/04/13). I ended up with conjunctivitis...a really horrible case of it in my left eye and my right eye only had a little bit in it. So off I go to the doctors and as I cant get into see my regular doctor I just go and see whoever...bad idea. I seem to get the new age type doctor and he gives me a who bunch of statistics why I shouldn't get this medication, and just to get out there I agree with him. 

Now it is Tuesday and I am starting not to feel too good and I by Tuesday night I start getting a fever. Wednesday I am flat on my back can barely move and fever is still hanging around and Panadol doesn't seem to be helping at all. I have also now started to vomit.

Thursday I get into see my regular doctor who gives me a scrip for eye drops and some tablets for my nausea he also gave me a warning after taking my blood pressure that if I felt any worse that I will need to go to the hospital as things weren't looking good. 

By midnight I felt like absolute crap! So I got on the phone and called M to come and take me to the hospital and called my sister L to come look after the kids.  When I go there they pumped me full of fluids and gave me a stat dose of antibiotics for a infection I had in my bladder (which I didn't know I had). 

After spending the night in hospital for the night I started to feel a lot better and they sent me home where I have been recovering since Friday. I am not totally feeling 100% but I am getting there. 


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