Not much has been happening here with my little family. That little oops that M and I had didn't eventuate into anything, and like usually I got my hopes up (even though I said I wasn't going to) and then came crashing down when the test came back as a negative and AF arrived.
As it is like pulling teeth with M I have managed to get him to agree to start talking about TTCing when Charlotte turns 1. So I have until September 5th to some how convince him that having 3 children will be better then 2.
It is kind of funny, when we first started talking about TTC we both said that we would love to have 4 kids, but now that we have children things have changed. M thinks that 2 kids is enough, and that some how my body won't be able to carry anymore due to my last pregnancy, and me well I think having an army is a great idea (although I will probably at most only be able to have 4 as M will put a stop to it.)
Even if we start talking about TTC I don't want to start until next year some time. I am currently sorting out my own life. I am still seeing J once every 2 weeks and well things have been going well in that area (which I am really surprised to say). I have managed to open up to here which I haven't been able to do with anyone bar M, and I feel like I need to have a really good plan set in place before diving into the world of TTCing again.
The times where I have TTC I have become obsessed (which I think most of us do) and I don't really want to do that again, I want the whole process to be stress free and comfortable. The other reason I want a plan in place is because my pregnancy with Charlotte was so stressful and it really took it out of me, it would be great to have some methods to keep my anxiety under control, just in case it happens again.
And lastly the aftermath. It always seems to happen (as it has happened in all my pregnancies) I wind up in a big whole of depression after I have my babies. This next pregnancy I want to be prepared for it and able to tackle it if it rears its big ugly head. I don't want to miss all the beautiful moments with my child because I have depression.
So starting at my next session with J I am going to ask her help to prepare for this next journey, so that I can show M that I am in a happy place.
Another thing I want to do before we TTC again is to lose weight, which in turn will improve my fertility. As you already know I have PCOS, and one of the problems with PCOS is weight gain, and the inability to lose weight easierly. I was lucky with my pregnancy with Charlotte that I actually only put on 3kg (which I actually lost when she was born, plus a few extras) and I have also managed to lose another 5kg since then.
Ideally I would like to lose another 15kg or even 10kg (I will take anything) and I have some ideas about how I can start the weight loss. The only think that might get in my way is work.
Yes work. I will be heading back there on the 18th June (insert sad face here). At first I was looking forward to getting back there, but now not so much. Charlotte and I have really only started to get to know each other as her first 6 months were horrible due to the reflux, I know I am going to be sad when I head back to work, but hopefully the separation gives her some more Independence.
Oh and the toilet training has been going great and we have had hardly no accidents (we have one or two every now and then). Lachlan has done so well and both M and I are so proud of him.