Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 weeks, 2 days

So a little back story as I haven't posted since I was 27 weeks. On Thursday night (27 weeks, 2 days) I had some (prepare yourself for TMI) green cervical mucus...and a lot of it. I rang the hospital I am going to have bub at and told them about it and they said that it is probably 'show' and to ring if I start having back pain or contractions. Now I was kind of ok with that response but then I had a bit of a cry as I was only 27 weeks and I want bub to keep on baking just a little bit longer. 

So waiting until morning I called Dr D and told him about what had happened as I have another big blob of this green cervical mucus. He told me to come straight in and he will run a couple of tests. When I went in he did an ultrasound and checked the fluid levels (which were fine) and checked my cervix (which was closed) he also took some swabs and some blood (which have all come back fine). He also told me the same thing as the nurses at the birthing suits and told me to go to hospital if I have any back pain or contracts. Although this didn't really put me at ease, I was glad that he was doing something. 

On Sunday (27 weeks, 5 days) I had some pretty intense braxton hicks which at first I thought they were contractions as they were lasting for 90 seconds and were 5 minutes apart each time. I told some panadol and continued to time them but after about an hour they disappeared (THANK GOD). 

Wednesday (28 weeks, 1 day) I had another appointment with Dr D and once again he gave me an ultrasound and checked my fluid which was still great. I informed him that I was still seeing the green cervical mucus, but I was not having any back pain or contractions at this stage. He booked me for a progress ultrasound at my local ultrasound place for 30 weeks (due to my blood conditions and placenta issues he wants to make sure the placenta is ok) and told me that if anything changes in that time he will continue to check me using his ultrasound machine. 

I am really glad that I have such an excellent obstetrician as with all the stress of this pregnancy he has managed to fit me in and see me when ever I have a problem. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

27 weeks

Yesterday I became an Aunty for the 4th time. My brother in law and my sister in law had a baby girl and named her Elodie Paige. Now this is the sister in law that I have had some problems with in the past (saying horrible things when Jensen passed) and even though at some times I have such rage against this woman I am extremely happy for them both (see I am being the bigger person). She had a very quick labour a whole 45 minutes and the baby was born!! Lucky bitch lol. I will be visiting them tomorrow as this afternoon I work late.

On Saturday DH and I went to his work BBQ and I was made to feel really uncomfortable when the woman who he cheated with was there. I put on a brave face while we were there and when I got home I was a complete and utter mess. My heart felt broken and all the old wounds were now reopened again. DH and I have work so hard to come this far and I am not wanting to give up on that just yet. We have done a lot of talking and probably continue to do that as we work through this. You must be thinking I am a stupid woman but I can't imagine my life without him.

On my own pregnancy front I still have some slight spotting and my pee has a pink tinge, but still plodding along.

Also today I signed my first permission slip for Lachlan. The local fire fighters are coming around to show the kids the fire trucks, I just wish I could be there to see his face, good thing that the child care takes heaps of photos everyday.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

26 weeks

Had another appointment with Dr D today and bub has her head down and I still have blood as well, so you know what that means...that's right more rest!

Dr D checked the fluid around bub and everything seems ok there which is really good and put my mind at ease that I am not losing any fluid.

I have surpassed 100 days till bub is due which is really exciting as we are starting to head to the pointing end of the pregnancy. 

Also Lachlan's new word is water lol. 

It is not much of a post as I just feel really distracted tonight, so I might come and post another day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

25 weeks

Thankfully nothing much has been going on in the way of the last couple of weeks. Doctor D told me at my last appointment that I was to wrap myself up in bubble wrap and not get into any more trouble (our in joke as I call myself his problem patient), and not getting into trouble is what I plan to do...although I have been cramping and at my appointment on Tuesday I had blood in my pee so I guess I didn't really stick to the no trouble plan....that is right I have got myself put back on bed rest...FUN!! 

I have another appointment next Wednesday to see how I am doing. A lot of things have been thrown around at the moment, like cervical stitch (although I am thinking that it might be a bit late for that now, although I do know they will do it as an emergency case), medication (but with my blood conditions I don't know if I will be able to take it)...but these are just two that stuck in my mind. 

This whole pregnancy with its ups and downs really doesn't make me want to do the whole pregnancy thing again. I loved my pregnancy with Lachlan it was beautiful and I couldn't wait to do it again when I got to hold my little man when he was born (although the birth wasn't what I really had in mind). I know Michael and I first discussed when he were talking about children really early on in our relationship that we both wanted 4 kids, but with losing Jensen and our 2 miscarriages we could of had our family of 4 right there (including Lachlan), but with the constant bleeding and the uncertainty of what is going to happen next it is really starting to stress me out (hence why I don't don't think I am putting on any weight during this pregnancy).

I Know the whole more kids discussion will happen later down the track (we will probably start talking about it when this bub is 6 months, like we did with Lachlan) and if I am anything like when I saw Lachlan for the first time we will defiantly go back and have a third, but right now I don't want the stress.

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