So a little back story as I haven't posted since I was 27 weeks. On Thursday night (27 weeks, 2 days) I had some (prepare yourself for TMI) green cervical mucus...and a lot of it. I rang the hospital I am going to have bub at and told them about it and they said that it is probably 'show' and to ring if I start having back pain or contractions. Now I was kind of ok with that response but then I had a bit of a cry as I was only 27 weeks and I want bub to keep on baking just a little bit longer.
So waiting until morning I called Dr D and told him about what had happened as I have another big blob of this green cervical mucus. He told me to come straight in and he will run a couple of tests. When I went in he did an ultrasound and checked the fluid levels (which were fine) and checked my cervix (which was closed) he also took some swabs and some blood (which have all come back fine). He also told me the same thing as the nurses at the birthing suits and told me to go to hospital if I have any back pain or contracts. Although this didn't really put me at ease, I was glad that he was doing something.
On Sunday (27 weeks, 5 days) I had some pretty intense braxton hicks which at first I thought they were contractions as they were lasting for 90 seconds and were 5 minutes apart each time. I told some panadol and continued to time them but after about an hour they disappeared (THANK GOD).
Wednesday (28 weeks, 1 day) I had another appointment with Dr D and once again he gave me an ultrasound and checked my fluid which was still great. I informed him that I was still seeing the green cervical mucus, but I was not having any back pain or contractions at this stage. He booked me for a progress ultrasound at my local ultrasound place for 30 weeks (due to my blood conditions and placenta issues he wants to make sure the placenta is ok) and told me that if anything changes in that time he will continue to check me using his ultrasound machine.
I am really glad that I have such an excellent obstetrician as with all the stress of this pregnancy he has managed to fit me in and see me when ever I have a problem.
Love won.
7 years ago
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