Over the last week or so I think I have hit panic stations and my anxiety it starting to surface.
With Lachlan I remember that I had pretty much had his room ready and his clothes were in his draws and everything was basically ready. This time around I have washed most of bubba girls clothes but that is it! All her clothes are sitting in a basket, I have no cot sheets or blankets, I only have a couple of wraps and Lachlan's clothes are still in the draws as I haven't transferred them over to his new draws.
So after a bit of a panic to DH and we are going out this weekend to pick some stuff up for her and start to prepare her room. Which will hopefully ease my mind a bit.
Another thing that has been weighing on my mind is my c-section. We pretty much have a date (squeal excitement) but I just want to know what the plan is, but I don't think I am going to get that anytime soon as my hematologist hasnt approved me for a epidural/spinal. I have written a couple of questions for my OB which I hope he will be able to answer for me when I see him on Wednesday.
On another not I have my scan on Thursday :)
Love won.
7 years ago
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