Saturday, August 11, 2012

34 weeks, 4 days

It was so great to see our baby girl on Thursday afternoon, although we didn't get any pictures as her head was too deep in my pelvis and her face was facing my spine.

On a bad note she isn't growing as good as my OB would like. She is currently 1.5kg (at 34.3 weeks) and she should be more 2.3kg. At first the ultrasound lady thought it could be a placenta issue, but the blood flow was good, also my fluid levels were good as well so that was not an issue. She ended up calling Dr D and he sent me for a CTG on the Friday morning. I was so glad that my parents could look after Lachlan. The CTG was perfect and she was doing lots of kicks, had good heart rate fluctuations and had a active period and a rest period.

Dr D was happy with these CTG results as it means that she is not in any distress. At this stage they are hoping that they did the ultrasound before a growth spurt, so at 36 weeks I will have another ultrasound, as this will give her time to grow a bit and will give us some idea on what size you she will be at birth.

Fingers crossed that things improve.


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