Sunday, August 19, 2012

35 weeks, 5 days

This morning I had a CTG and at first this weren't going so well.

I started it off by having my apple as that always seems to get her moving, and as we were planning on having brunch with my family I didn't want to hang around the hospital all morning. But unfortunately the apple had no effect on her. As soon as the monitoring equipment went on all we had was a sleep heart rate and no movement. I wasn't too concerned at this stage as I have been told by one of the midwifes before that they can sleep up to 40 minutes at a time, so DH and I turned on the TV and settled in.

As 20 minutes past and there had been and there was still no movement the midwife came in and checked on me. As there wasn't much variation in the heart rate she was slightly concerned she went and got me some apple juice to see if that would wake her up a bit.

Another 20 minutes had past and the apple juice still didn't kick in and we still weren't getting any kicks, so the midwife asked me to roll on to my left side which caused problems of its own as the monitoring equipment started to lose bubba girls heart rate and so it was sending the trace weird.

As the trace did show the right information on it as it was losing her heart rate when on my side so the midwife asked me to again roll to my back. Thankfully I think with me moving positions a number of times it must of woken her up a bit and she gave us somewhat lazy kicks to let us know that she wasn't happy that she was woken up.

Tomorrow I have my ultrasound to check on my fluid levels, my placenta and to also check if bubba girl has put on any weight. Then Tuesday I have another CTG and OB appointment.

I will report back on these too.


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