Thursday, August 23, 2012

36 weeks, 2 days

Had another CTG this morning and the trace was good. At one stage the cleaner vacuumed outside the room I was in and sent bubba girls heart rate skye rocketing in the hug 160s. I was so amazed to see (and feel) that she could be scared of something in the outside world. To calm her down I told her everything was ok and she was safe and that no one would hurt her, which seemed to help as she went back down to her resting heart rated of 130s.

Towards the end of the CTG she got hiccups which was really cute but didn't help with the trace as every time she hiccuped we lost the trace which didn't help but as we managed to get some good trace it didn't matter too much.

My next CTG will be on Saturday which is also when I am having a girls lunch with my MIL, and 2 SILs.


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