I first up would like to say a big HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the 1st time mums and all the other mothers out there, I hope you go really spoilt.
I also want to give all the mums out there that are unable to hold their beautiful angel babies in their arms. I hope you had a beautiful Mother's Day.
Today we spent Mother's day first up with DH's family then mine. I really didn't like going and seeing DH's family as they treat me as if I'm not there, and when they did acknowledge my me today they were talking about how they needed to lose weight because they were fat (there stick skinny by the way) and then they looked at me and said "you look like you have lost weight" and it sounded really condescending.
Thankful we didn't stay there forever, only a few hours. We wouldn't have gone over if it wasn't mothers day.
From there we got the last part of my mum's present and went over to my parents place. We had a great dinner and shared a lot of laughs.
Lachlan was a little tropper all day and didn't mind all the passing around to person to person which happened all day, and slept on people when he was tired. Although when we got home he was defiantly ready for bed, so DH gave him a bottle and put him down and we haven't heard from him since.
I have had a bit of an emotional day. Today I should have been celebrating mother's day as a mum of three not one. Although I am eternally grateful for Lachlan and I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world, I just wish he could have his older brother Jensen here and peanut as well.
I will go and see Jensen tomorrow. I miss him so much.
Love won.
7 years ago
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