Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Still Bleeding

It is cycle day (CD) 14 and I am still bleeding.

I am so over it!!!!

I haven't bleed this much since I had Lachlan. I have been thinking that maybe I had a 55 day cycle last time, where I would have been about to have my period twice during that cycle, that my body might be giving me 2 periods at once. The other thought that has crossed my mind but I have dismissed is that I could be having a miscarriage. Now on CD 52 I did a pregnancy test and it came back negative also I am not having cramps and the bleeding isn't heavy enough for it to be a miscarriage.

I am heading to my Doctors tomorrow and I am going to write a list of questions that I want to ask him about what is going on with my body, also I am getting some blood test results back which I had done yesterday so I am hoping the results are good.

Lachlan turns 6 months tomorrow!!! It has gone so fast, he isn't my newborn anymore. He will also be getting his vaccinations as well tomorrow...what a gift.


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