Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You never think that you will need to use your CPR training

Last night at 9pm Lachlan woke up crying. I went up and tried to settle him, but because he was too upset I picked him up and he began to vomit everywhere! When I sat down on the chair hold him all I could hear was choking and that he was struggling to get air in.

I screamed for my husband to call the ambulance and I looked at my poor baby struggling for air, the look on his face, he looked so scared.

I tried to remain calm and knew I needed to do something, I laid Lachlan on his side on the floor and put my fingers in his mouth to clear his air way, which induced vomiting and helped to clear his air way.

When the ambulance got there they looked him over in the house and we told them what happened and they said that what I did could have possibly saved his life.

From there the ambulance took us to the hospital and we stayed over night so they could observe him, but when we left this morning he was a little lethargic but alright.

They are not sure what caused the choking but we will be having some follow up tests.

I tell you what though I am so glad that I know CPR, but I never want to use it again on any of my love ones. I am also glad that I didn't panic but I had a big cry once Lachlan fell asleep at the hospital.


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