Friday, May 7, 2010

Been awhile and things have changed

It has been such a long time that i have posted on here and things have changed so much. I am now pregnant, i am actually closing in on my 14th week and my husband and i are so excited!

The things i have missed out posting on here are:

6 weeks 1 day (Monday 15th March 2010) ~ After a scare on the weekend after noticing what look like old blood (some sort of brown substance that i thought looked like old blood) i went into see my Doctor and he sent me for a ultra sound. This day was one of the most exciting and scary days of my life. I didnt know wheathe my baby was alive, but once i saw that ultra sound as saw the little heart flickering on the screen i cried. My husband finially had something right going on in our lives after our two losses that we had already had.

6 weeks - 12 weeks (Sunday 14th March 2010 - 25th April 2010) ~ Morning sickness. What else can i say too this? I thought the idea of pregnancy was so romantic and then you get the constant nausea and gagging and if you are one of the lucky ones you get the vomiting as well. Thankfully i only had one day of vomiting and believe me that was enough. I think for about the first two weeks of morning sickness all i ate was rice crakers. But now that it is all over i can now eat normally.

11 weeks 6 days (Friday 23rd March 2010) ~ 2nd ultra sound. One of the most amazing moments in my life. Watching my husbands face light up as the baby appeared on the monitor made my heart melt and tears come from my eyes. It looked so life like and seeing its little legs kick as well i cant get over how beautiful it was.

12 weeks 2 days (Tuesday 27th April 2010) ~ first appointment wit
h Obstetrician. I was really nervous as i was sure what i should expect at this appointment, but he was really awesome. When my husband and i went in he took my medical history and also checked out my baby. Once that was all down he told me that my pregnancy was not going to be straight forward (which both my husband and i knew) and he asked for me to come in every 3 weeks so that he could keep a close eye on me. Then he filled out my admission papers for the hospital and gave me a blood test referral and sent me on my way.

So the date is now 7th May 2010 and everything is going wonderfully! I have my appointment booked for the hospital and i have also booked the prenatal classes as well. I am so looking forward to this journey.


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