Sunday, May 16, 2010

Computers are a pain in the ass

I know that this isn't really a baby subject but computers are really the biggest pain in the ass!!!

Last night our lap top charger decided that it would spark and start smoking and spread this disgusting smelling smell around the house. So DH turned off the lap top and took the charger out of the laptop and Myself, Hamish (the kitten) and Dh when and sat on our front pourch for about an hour while inside aired out with all the windows and doors were also didn't help that last night was really cold, but DH and i had a good talk as we watched Hamish explore his outside surroundings.

Anywho today we spent our day looking for a computer screen as my parents had a spare computer tower thingie lying around as my older brother who is living with them at the moment is always trying to make thier computers better and faster, so that saved us a bit of money, also we got a great deal on a computer screan as one of the computer stores near us were having a sale.


Things seem to be going well as i am having couple of twingers which have be slightly painful like a quick stabbing pain, but it has been something i have been able to handle. I am also seeing Dr Davis on Tuesday for my every 3 weeks appointment so i will let him know that i have been having these pains, but as he has an ultra sound machine in his office i am sure he will have a look at baby to see if it is ok.

Also I haven't bee able to shake this cold i have had. DH is slightly worried as last night i was coughing for 2 hours none stop during the night, but i guess it is a hard thing to stop as i am not able to take anything for it...but i guess that is another thing to tell Dr Davis about and he might have some words of wisdom for me.


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