Sunday, May 23, 2010

Deciding to do something

Yesterday DH and i decided that we would start cleaning up the baby's room. So we move everything out that didn't need to be there like our spare bed and some clothes and boxes. Then we had a crazy idea that we would put the cot together and then as i cleaned it up DH asked how we would put it i thought that he was making a joke and i laughed but really he was asking a valid question, as apparently my sister in law didn't give us the screws and bolts (or what ever that puts it together. (rolling my eyes) She gave us the cot but forgot the vital componets to put it together. So DH is going to contact her today to see if she stills has them because if she doesn't we will either have to get new ones from Bunnings or we will need to get a new cot....why do things have to be so complicated sometimes.

Also yesterday i cried like a baby. Over the past months DH has been downloading me Grey's Anatomy as i couldn't wait for it to come on TV....but anyway on Thursday in the US it was the season finial and DH downloaded it for me on Friday night so that i could watch it Saturday morning when i got up.
So when i got up on Saturday DH made me breakfast set me up in front of the TV and turned it on...IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES EVER!!!! I am not going to give anything away (unless you want me too) but i cried like a baby...and Meredith my heart goes out for you (great now i am thinking that her character is real lol) well i have been there where she is...and that is all i am saying.

Today is looking like another day where i am going to bored...last night DH and i were so bored that we went for a drive to Maccas to get ice cream...and we didn't go to the closest Maccas either. Hopefully we can pick up those screws or what ever for the cot and we can put that together.


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