Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting better

Well after saying how crappy things have with DH and myself we had a little talk. Well it was more then a talk and less then a fight. And I think that I might have finally gotten through to him about how I am feeling.

The one thing he keeps bringing up is why won't forgive him. But why doesn't he get that probably no woman would forgive him for what he did, and I am one of those women is me. I am sorry if people see things differently to me, but I won't be forgiving him (at least any time soon) for what he did. He betrayed me and he betrayed what we had.

I am hoping after the discussion that we had yesterday will help with the road to recovery and me feeling more appreciated and loved.

On another note DH has done his back, the physiotherapist seems to think that he has slipped a disc, so he has been off work for the last couple of days and is going for a CT scan today, so we will see what is going on.


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