Friday, April 15, 2011

Lachlan the Rolling baby

Now I might have mentioned every now and then about how Lachlan is rolling, well, he has been doing it in his cot for a while now but it is starting to stress DH and I out.

Lachlan seems to think when he rolls on his stomach in his cot that it is play time. He wakes himself up and starts chatting away and then realises he is tired and starts crying and sometimes he will start screaming.

Now I have put a shout out on Bubhub already about this problem.

You might be thinking to yourself "why doesn't she wrap him?" Well he was wrapped but as soon as he could get out of his wrap we stopped, as I have heard that this is a SIDS hazard.

There is sometimes when Lachlan is laying on the couch with me and he is hugging a soft toy he will fall asleep with it or when he is with his granddad he will wedge a pillow beside him so that he won't roll over, but these two strategies are only used when someone is around and watching him, we would never use this unsupervised.

I have been thinking about getting a wrap me up but I don't know if that will stop the development that he has already accomplished.

Always too much to think about with babies.


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