Friday, April 8, 2011

So Tired....

For the last two days I have been feeling so tired and a bit crampy. I am thinking that might be getting my period but with my cycles being all over the place at the moment I am not sure.

My cycles used to be perfect a nice 34 days, but now it seems to be every 45 days!!! I have also been getting some mid cycle spotting as well, I goggled this spotting and it could possibly be ovulation spotting which would kinda make sense as this has happened twice since my period has returned.

I have asked the question on Bubhub ( if there was anything that could help regulate your cycles and someone did suggested raspberry leaf tea so I might give it ago as I would love some regularity in my cycles, I also thought that I might use some ovulation tests. I have bought some internet cheapies once before when I was trying to get pregnant the first time and I found them really useuful. If the tea doesn't work I might make an appointment with my OB to see if he can sort something out, I really do not want to go back on the pill to sort this out.

1 comments: said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling tired and crampy... I've heard about raspberry leaf tea too xoxo

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