Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week

Ok I have noticed that I have been a bit slack posting recently, but I have had kind of a hard week.

Monday DH hurt his back and I needed to take him to the Doctors.

Tuesday I needed to take DH to a CT scan and I also needed to give up my 1 year old cat Hamish, where I proceeded to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday was actually fine and I didn't need to do anything.

Thursday I got a phone call from the RSPCA saying that I needed to come and pick up my cat.

Friday I picked up Hamish, who had been dumped there by the person that took him.

Saturday I once again gave up my cat Hamish to a couple that also had another cat (YAY he has a friend). But I thought I was strong enough to cope this time, but I wasn't and again I proceeded to cry myself to sleep once again. Who would have thought that a cat could make me feel this way.

With all this going on I also haven't been sleeping well due to other things going on. I am hoping over the next coming days I will be able to sort things out.

Also in the world of Lachlan he has started to get up on his hands and knees!! He is growing up so fast!


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