Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am laying next to my husband and there are so many thoughts going through my head. At the moment I can't stand what we have. I am a person that needs affection, I need the contact that you show someone you love them. but I am not getting that, not even a kiss and a hug when he comes home from work...nothing! the communication is minimal at best and when I do talk to him he either doesn't get what I am saying or he just does listen

I'm the nanny. I an the woman that looks after his son, and that is it. well that is how I feel anyway.

I love what we used to have, I love how people used to compare themselves to us, but now I hate what we have. I want the old us back where we used to sit and tall and not have the TV on, where we would cuddle up in front of the TV, where we would kiss like we were teenage again like we never wanted it too end.

I try to talk to him about this but all he says is he will try harder but he never does.

I feel so alone.

1 comments: said...

Sorry that you're feeling so alone... hope you can find the way to get back what you had before... it'll be there somewhere to be found and reawakened. Love always xoxo

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