Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Last night was the first night since Friday that i got some sleep...well it was more then 3 hours which i have been getting the past couple of nights. So that means i have had another day off work.

I went to see my Doctor last night and he was a bit worried about the whole not sleeping thing as for most pregnant women they tend to sleep more... But i guess i like being difficult lol. Anyway another concern he had was that because i have had depression and anxity he is worried that the lack of sleep might trigger it again, so he tried to find some medication that he could put me on to help. Thank god he couldn't find any because i didn't really want to take a pill to help me sleep, i have been so good to not take anything (apart from panadol), the best medication that he could find was a Class C medication (in other words don't take it unless you it is the last resort).

My Doctor told me that there was 4 classes A - being good to take, B- meaning it is ok, C-don't take it if you have too and last of all D- DO NOT TAKE!! So by the end of the appointment me he gave me a sheet on insomnia (which all the stuff i already know as i read it in "What to expect when your expecting"). Also he told me to find something natural to help me sleep, but i have been there and done that when i had insomnia before and it didn't work.

So i guess the only thing that i can do is try and get into a routine to help me sleep, so last night i had a bath and sat down and watched some TV with DH and then went to bed...although i waited til i felt a bit tired and that was at 10:30pm and then went to bed, and that is not going to help when i am going to go back to work tomorrow and starting at 6:30am.

I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, but the good thing is that i have a Doctors certificate but i doubt that anyone will really care about it. I am really thinking when i go back to work full time i am going to look for another job as i am starting to hate working with people that don't really give a damn if you are pregnant, if your sick, or what ever...i know that it is like this probably where ever you work but i don't know i am really going to think about things while i have time off and i think i might take a management course and see what comes up there.

Anyway on the baby front he has been really active which has been really nice and i am starting to feel when i press on my belly where he is. Also i think DH and i have choosen a name!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Insomnia continues

Like the title suggest i still have insomnia. I woke up this morning at 6am to get ready for work, sat on the edge of the bed and burst into tears. I was so tired and couldn't even put my clothes on...mind you i did end up putting my work clothes (determination) and walked down stairs to see DH standing there asking me whats wrong (as he must have known that i was crying) i ended sitting on the couch with him for 30 minutes crying and with him telling me not to go to work. I eventually caved and called work to tell them that i wasn't coming in.

I feel so bad for not going into work again and i know everyone will be cursing my name as i have work that needs to be done, but what can i do when i walk around and stand all day and i know i won't be able to function.

I will be heading into the doctors today (as i need a doctors certificate) and see what he can do, i have also put a shout out on BH to see if any of those ladies know of anything i can do.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Well I think i have insomnia. For the past 3 nights there has been so much lack of sleep that i think i am going to go crazy!!!!

I had to have a day off work today as i couldn't even lift myself up off the bed to get ready for work, and then i felt so bad when i rang into work to tell them that i wasn't coming in and they told me that none of the morning staff had come in as they were all off sick...i felt so bad, but what can i do, i guess you really can't help how you feel.

After i had some sleep this morning...which i just managed to get as i kept waking up and i think that all up i had 4 hours. I decided to clean the cupboards in the baby's room and our room, I was really surprised as i thought that it was going to be a big job but it only took me 2 hours all up, there was some really heavy stuff that i will need to get DH to move when he gets home from work. But all up it is all coming together nicely and i am so glad that i am actually doing something now and not waiting til the last minute.

Oh something really cute happened this morning, DH called me into the baby's room this morning as he was leaving for work to find that Hamish (our Kitten) had fallen asleep in the cot and he looked so cute and comfortable.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thinking of my friend

A friend of my yesterday had her baby, a beautiful baby girl (4 weeks early) weighting 2.4kg . Unfortunately they needed to do an emergency c-section and the baby is now in special care nursery. My thoughts are with her and family.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

OB Appointment

Saw Dr Davis today for my appointment and everything seems t be going well. He measured my fundal height that is reading 24 and we got to hear our little baby's heart beat which is beating really strong. The only thing he is worried about now is my placenta due to my blood conditions (i think he is now worried about this as the baby is going to get bigger and fast). So i am now going to be having ultrasounds every 4 weeks until bub is born. I am not really worried about this at the moment as i feel fine and i can feel bubba and Dr Davis was calm about it (although i think Dr Davis could say that i was dying and i would still think everything was going to be ok as he has that sort of calmingness(?) to him) so i am not going to worry until there is time to i will be able to see bub and get more pictures!

The only other thing that is going on at the moment is that i think i have hives (well my mum thinks i do). I have broken out in a few spots that are really itchy, i thought they were mozie bites at first but it is too cold for them and they just seem to be on my legs. So i told my mum and she seems to think that it is because i am getting too hot when i am sleeping in bed and because when your pregnant you seem to put off much more heat that is where the hives are coming from. So i am going to make sure i have less layers the next few night and see if that does anything, as i don't really want to start taking anything if just removing some clothing and/or blankets can get rid of the problem.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One of my worst fears

One of my worst fears at the moment is being hit in the stomach, and today it happend. A patients family member was picking up their bag and it hit me in the stomach. I think the family member didnt realise that i was coming behind them but it really shock me. I know that bubby is a tuff little chicken and i know it didn't harm him but that i think that just the thought of it happening scared me a little.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Into the 6th Month (23 weeks)

Well i have now started onto the 6th month (23 weeks). It is kind of scary knowing that everything has been moving so quickly...i know that i really want to meet my baby boy, but i guess with my blood conditions i thought that my pregnancy would be a bit more complicated but things seem to be going so smoothly that it has gone so quick. But like my mother keeps telling me when i hit the last couple of months i will be wishing that it would go super quick. There is a girl i chat to from BH that is 5 days late at the moment, i am hoping that her baby comes soon i know that i will be half freaking out and half praying that the baby would just come already, and i would be trying everything for it to happen.

Wednesday i will have another OB appointment with Dr Davis, I am starting to think that i might need to write some questions about what is going to happen when i deliver...but i think there is still plenty of time to figure it out, i guess at the moment i just really want to know everything there is to know about pregnancy and what happens through out the weeks. I am really loving knowing what is going on. It will be nice to hear my baby's heart beat on Wednesday it has been a while since i have see or heard him...although i can feel him which is nice to know that he is still there.

On a baby update, he is keeping very active and has been going crazy which is really awesome, except before bed when i am really wanting to go to sleep, but DH is really loving feeling him in there.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A bit of a downer post

I am starting to think that there must be something wrong with me, all my friends have started to drop off the side of the planet since i got pregnant. I only have a small group of friends so it is easy for all of us to keep in touch but for some reason they have stopped returning my calls, messages and have also stopped inviting me out for things...which i know they are doing as i can see them chatting on FB about it. It is not like pregnancy is a disability or anything like that, i can still go out with them shopping, movies, even if they want to go drinking i can be their driver. It is just really upsetting me at the moment, and i really want to share this with them as well.

I really want my friends back.

Friend 'A' is getting married in March and I was going to be the maid of honour but i got a message off her saying due to the wedding getting to expensive she was cutting back on bridesmaids and i must not have made the cut. I later find out that she still has the same amount of bridesmaids and she has asked one of our other friends to be her maid of honour. It broke my heart as 'A' is meant to be my best friend and that she didn't have the courage to come and talk to me about it i would have understood if there was a reason behind this. But instead she sent me a message and replaced me with someone else....i don't know if i even want to go to the wedding any more i don't know if i want to bring my child to a wedding of someone that would treat me like that.

My hormones are raging and i have been so up set to see that all my friends have turned away from me. I don't even know what to do anymore i don't even think the thought of a baby shower will come in their minds when the time comes (not that i am even thinking of that).

I just don't know what else i can do.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well baby has been nice and active and i think DH will be able to feel baby, if he kicks at the right time...he is usally active when i am at work or right before we go to bed, but seems to be active when i have something that is cold and fizzy. I can't wait till DH can feel him it will be nice for him to actually be a bit more of a part of this, I think that he is feeling a bit left out at the moment.

My poor little kitten seems to be getting better which is nice. He was pretty sick last that Thursday and DH and i were up most of the night looking after him and trying to get on to the emergency Vet but no answer it was really annoying as he was quite sick. Hamish (the kitten) had to spend a night at the vet and we needed to pick him up on the Saturday but he seems to be going well as we took him back to the vet today and she is pleased with how things are going, although she still wants him to take his antibiotics and to go back and see her in 2 weeks if he is still going ok.

Things have been moving along nicely and the time seems to be flying which is really exciting.

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