Thursday, October 17, 2013

Evolution of my some mush

So once again I haven't written in here for a little while, I guess it becomes a little harder to figure out something to write about when you aren't trying to conceive and you have to readjust the whole concept of your blog. 

When I first started this blog I was using it to get all the trying to conceive craziness out of my head so I could keep real and remain a little but more sane in the real world. Then it turned to a pregnancy diary when I was pregnant with Lachlan, where I found that this blog could be so much more then a carzieness outlet and I began to open myself up to the possiblity that I could use this blog as a therapy tool and help an inspire others that haven through the same issues I have. 

Then motherhood began and I was faced with the next chapter in my life, and what a journey it has been thus far...

With all of my pregnancies I just can't compare them as they are so completely different. Jensen's was a normal pregnancy which ended in tragedy, lanchlan's was normal with complicated birth, Charlotte's was complicated pregnancy with a normal c-section. Even with Lachlan and Charlotte they are just two completely different children. 

I am in some respects so lucky, and I thank god every day that I was given these two beautiful children to stay her with me, and I pray that he is keeping Jensen and my other angel babies safe. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Jensen

So I has been a while since I last posted, but it usually takes me a while to come back and post after Jensen's birthday. 

It has been 5 years since we said good by to him, and it was nice to spend some quality time together as a family. 

Lachlan ran rings around his headstone saying happy birthday over and over again and Charlotte held tightly on to it, almost hugging it while she stood. 

We all sung him happy birthday and sat and had cake. I know we might not always have moments like this, as when the kids get older they might think it is silly to come and visit a brother they never met, but I will forever have these moments with me and I will look upon them fondly. 

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