Saturday, April 30, 2011

Being a Mum

I saw this on Bubhub and I thought I would repost it here so that you could all read it

" Being a mother "

We are sitting at lunch when my daughter
casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of 'starting a family.'
'We're taking a survey,' she says, half-joking. 'Do you think I should have a baby?'

'It will change your life,' I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral.
'I know,' she says, 'no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations....'
But that is not what I meant at all.

I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what
she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical
wounds of child bearing will heal, but that becoming a mother will
leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable.
I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper
without asking 'What if that had been MY child?'
That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees
pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse
than watching your child die.

I look at her carefully manicured nails and
stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is,
becoming a mother will reduce her to primitive level of a
bear protecting her cub.
That an urgent call of 'Mom!' will cause her to drop a soufflé or her best
crystal without a moment's hesitation. I feel I should warn her that
no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will
be professionally derailed by motherhood.

She might arrange for child care but
one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will
Think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of her
Discipline to keep her from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that everyday decisions will no longer be
routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather
than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma.
That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children,
issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against
the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that rest-room.
However she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself
constantly as a mother. Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure
her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will
never feel the same about herself.
That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child.
That she would give it up in a moment to
save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years -
not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.
I want her to know that a Cesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will
become badges of honor. My daughter's relationship with her husband will change,
but not in the way she thinks..
I wish she could understand how much more you can
love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child.
I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she
would now find very unromantic.

I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel
with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and
drunk driving. I hope she will understand why I can think rationally
about most issues, but become temporarily insane when I discuss the
threat of nuclear war to my children's future.

I want to describe to my daughter the
exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike.

I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is
touching the soft fur of a dog or a cat for the first time.

I want her to taste the joy that is so real, it actually hurts.
My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have
formed in my eyes.
' You'll never regret it,' I finally say.

Then I reach across the table, squeeze my daughter's hand and offer a silent
prayer for her, and for me, and for all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way
into this most wonderful of callings.

This blessed gift from God!
Being a Mother.

Lachie's First Swimming Lesson

Today Lachie had his first swimming lesson!!! It was so exciting!!

As mummy had her period I thought that this might be a nice opportunity for daddy to do something special with Lachlan as I have seen most of his firsts.

So when Lachlan and Dad got into the water Lachlan was enjoying it so much he was splashing around and having a really good time. All the other children were crying...I was so proud of my little man.

DH had a really good time to singing the songs, and showing Lachlan how to blow bubbles.

Both DH and Lachlan are so worn out that they are on the couch having a sleep together.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Pill

I said to myself that I would never take the pill again but today I did.

My cycles have been all over the place since having Lachlan with my first cycle back being 26 days, then 46 days and the one that I just had was 54 days. I really need to sort these out so I have decided to take the pill for for at least the next couple of cycles with fingers crossed that my cycles go back to normal. I will only take the pill for 3 cycles and no more because the last time I came off the pill my cycles were all over the place.

If I come off the pill and my cycles are all over the place once again I will go to the doctors and see what else they can do.

On another note did the shopping with Lachlan today and he sat in the trolley like a big boy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How things are going

Had another personal training session today with Dale and it was great! Although I think I am going to be really sore tomorrow as he worked me really hard but I am so loving going back to the gym again. I am loving that I have more energy and I feel like mentally I am heather. I just can't wait to see the kilos falling off!!! I have another two sessions this week with Dale so looking forward to it. I also bought some new shoes for the gym to day and they look great!

We have also decided to start a new routine with Lachlan, the old one just doesn't seem to be working any more...probably because he is getting older. We are also are going to give self settling another go (last time it didn't really work) so fingers crossed that it works.

Things seem to be going well everywhere else, Lachlan was having troubles with drinking his formula but I have been adding it his rice cereal so he is still getting it there as well.

I can't wait until Saturday as it will be Lachlan's first swimming lessons!! He loves the water so I think he will love going to his swimming lessons.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Operation Lose Weight

Operation lose weight is in full effect at the moment, it took a while but it is happening. I have been going to the gym every day this week so far and have had two personal training appointments as well.

My trainer Dale* (*Lets just call him that) is awesome he listens and knows exactly hows to push my buttons to make me work harder and is targeting all my problem areas. He was really good and showed me around at the gym and showed me all the machines and how to use them and also went through stretching with me using some of the new stretching equipment they got in.

I have another session with him next Wednesday and will be starting to see him twice a week and will be going on my own a couple of times a week as well. I am so excited that I have got so much motivation to do this at the moment, I just hope that the motivation stays around so I can keep this up. Mind you when I go back to work it might be a bit more difficult, but if DH and I can work around it I will be able to keep this up.

On another note, Lachlan has started to say MUM!!!! I am so excited...I had to make sure that I wasn't going crazy, but as soon as DH heard it I was the happiest mum on the planet! Also he has started to move his knee forward when he is up on his hands and knees, and he did this all on the one day. I hate that he is growing up so fast I thought that he might be a baby for a bit longer, but before I know it he will be crawling around and then he will be walking and then who knows.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lachlan the Rolling baby

Now I might have mentioned every now and then about how Lachlan is rolling, well, he has been doing it in his cot for a while now but it is starting to stress DH and I out.

Lachlan seems to think when he rolls on his stomach in his cot that it is play time. He wakes himself up and starts chatting away and then realises he is tired and starts crying and sometimes he will start screaming.

Now I have put a shout out on Bubhub already about this problem.

You might be thinking to yourself "why doesn't she wrap him?" Well he was wrapped but as soon as he could get out of his wrap we stopped, as I have heard that this is a SIDS hazard.

There is sometimes when Lachlan is laying on the couch with me and he is hugging a soft toy he will fall asleep with it or when he is with his granddad he will wedge a pillow beside him so that he won't roll over, but these two strategies are only used when someone is around and watching him, we would never use this unsupervised.

I have been thinking about getting a wrap me up but I don't know if that will stop the development that he has already accomplished.

Always too much to think about with babies.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I am deciding that I am needing some motivation to get to the gym. I have been wanting the gym to contact me regarding my personal training which they said they would do when I signed up which was too weeks ago.

DH also signed up when I did and his personal trainer has contacted him and when they had a pre training interview he asked him what his goals were to stay motivated. Which got me thinking about what is motivating me to lose this weight I have. Believe me it took a lot of thought as I did get to the point where I said "what's the point", there has been so much going on at the moment where losing weight has been on the bottom of the list, but when I was seeing my psychologist he said to me that I needed to start to put me first and that I needed to start doing things for myself.

Well I am not going to start putting myself first, as the priorities of Lachlan my son, and my family comes first. But I can start doing stuff for myself...which I am going to do starting with the gym.

I have decided that I want to lose the weight so the next time we try for a baby that won't be a factor for us if it takes a while. I also want to lose weight so if that was a factor for my husband cheating on me it won't be again in the long run. I also want to do it for me, I want to be able to look good like I did a couple of years ago. Shallow I know.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am feeling really sad and sorry for myself at the moment. It looks like I have picked up a cold along the way, I think from leaving the gym last night and being a silly girl and not wearing a jacket.

DH was really good last night and got up every time Lachlan woke which was really nice as it meant I stayed in a nice warm bed. He also brought Lachlan to bed once he left this morning so I didn't have to get up to get him if he woke.

Now I am trying not to give it to Lachlan. And you don't realise how hard it is at the moment as I am so exhausted and having to look after Lachlan as well is really draining. I think I might have to get someone to come over tomorrow to help out for a couple of hours so I can have a bit of a sleep and recover...although I am not a person that asks for help, I never have been...but we will see how things go.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Bubba Boy Is 5 Months Today!!

As the title suggest Lachlan is 5 months today!

It has gone so fast, and to think this time 5 months ago I was in the maternity ward at FPH holding him and thinking that this couldn't be real.

It is amazing how quickly you fall in love with someone that has been in your life only a short time.

It is also amazing how quickly they learn to do things. At this point in his life he is sitting up (well sort of), getting up on his hands and knees, rolling over both is amazing...and he is never quite lol.

It is going to be an interesting time ahead.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week

Ok I have noticed that I have been a bit slack posting recently, but I have had kind of a hard week.

Monday DH hurt his back and I needed to take him to the Doctors.

Tuesday I needed to take DH to a CT scan and I also needed to give up my 1 year old cat Hamish, where I proceeded to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday was actually fine and I didn't need to do anything.

Thursday I got a phone call from the RSPCA saying that I needed to come and pick up my cat.

Friday I picked up Hamish, who had been dumped there by the person that took him.

Saturday I once again gave up my cat Hamish to a couple that also had another cat (YAY he has a friend). But I thought I was strong enough to cope this time, but I wasn't and again I proceeded to cry myself to sleep once again. Who would have thought that a cat could make me feel this way.

With all this going on I also haven't been sleeping well due to other things going on. I am hoping over the next coming days I will be able to sort things out.

Also in the world of Lachlan he has started to get up on his hands and knees!! He is growing up so fast!

Friday, April 8, 2011

So Tired....

For the last two days I have been feeling so tired and a bit crampy. I am thinking that might be getting my period but with my cycles being all over the place at the moment I am not sure.

My cycles used to be perfect a nice 34 days, but now it seems to be every 45 days!!! I have also been getting some mid cycle spotting as well, I goggled this spotting and it could possibly be ovulation spotting which would kinda make sense as this has happened twice since my period has returned.

I have asked the question on Bubhub ( if there was anything that could help regulate your cycles and someone did suggested raspberry leaf tea so I might give it ago as I would love some regularity in my cycles, I also thought that I might use some ovulation tests. I have bought some internet cheapies once before when I was trying to get pregnant the first time and I found them really useuful. If the tea doesn't work I might make an appointment with my OB to see if he can sort something out, I really do not want to go back on the pill to sort this out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Day Out and some sad news.

Today was a nice day out for Lachlan and myself. We went out with Lachlan's Grandma, Great Grandma and his Aunty.

It was nice to get out of the house with all of them. We ended up going to Domayne where I bought a tallboy and two bed side tables, we needed these as when we moved ours got damaged and became unusable. One thing I am really happy about is that they will get delivered tomorrow.

Also today I bought Lachlan his first set of swimmers! They are so tiny. DH and I are going to take him to our local heated pool on the weekend.

On a sad note on Tuesday we gave away our beautiful 1 year old cat Hamish. I loved him so much and I have been crying on and off since then. One good thing is that he has gone to a friendly home that have already fallen in love with him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting better

Well after saying how crappy things have with DH and myself we had a little talk. Well it was more then a talk and less then a fight. And I think that I might have finally gotten through to him about how I am feeling.

The one thing he keeps bringing up is why won't forgive him. But why doesn't he get that probably no woman would forgive him for what he did, and I am one of those women is me. I am sorry if people see things differently to me, but I won't be forgiving him (at least any time soon) for what he did. He betrayed me and he betrayed what we had.

I am hoping after the discussion that we had yesterday will help with the road to recovery and me feeling more appreciated and loved.

On another note DH has done his back, the physiotherapist seems to think that he has slipped a disc, so he has been off work for the last couple of days and is going for a CT scan today, so we will see what is going on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am laying next to my husband and there are so many thoughts going through my head. At the moment I can't stand what we have. I am a person that needs affection, I need the contact that you show someone you love them. but I am not getting that, not even a kiss and a hug when he comes home from work...nothing! the communication is minimal at best and when I do talk to him he either doesn't get what I am saying or he just does listen

I'm the nanny. I an the woman that looks after his son, and that is it. well that is how I feel anyway.

I love what we used to have, I love how people used to compare themselves to us, but now I hate what we have. I want the old us back where we used to sit and tall and not have the TV on, where we would cuddle up in front of the TV, where we would kiss like we were teenage again like we never wanted it too end.

I try to talk to him about this but all he says is he will try harder but he never does.

I feel so alone.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A date and fears of the past

I am kinda nervous about tomorrow as I have a date tomorrow...With my husband.

It will be the first time we have been alone (other then when we have been in bed together) since I returned home. I know I shouldn't be nervous about it as we have been on dates before, but I guess I am worried that this date might lack conversation, because I have been nervous about opening up to him again as he did betray me.

There has been a few things happening to me lately which I have told him, due to the lack of trust I have with him. Recently the wall that I have had holding back everything that happened with me when I was raped, has been cracking. I have been seeing images that I not wanted to see in nearly 10 years, and this is scaring me.

I haven't been sleeping in fear that I will have nightmares about that night. Even just closing my eyes for a moment the images, the sensation of them touching me scares me, I start shaking and feel like that I am going to be sick.

I haven't really thought about that night all to much in a couple of years as I had built this wall up since I was 18 and have slowly been putting everything of that night behind it so that I wouldn't have to think about it, but I think the stress of what has happened with me and DH has slowly been cracking it and just recently the images of what happened that night have been slowly leaking through.

I don't know if I am strong enough to build that wall back up. When I built that wall up when I was 18 I was into illegal drugs and in a very abusive relationship so I had the drugs to escape. This time around I have nothing like that and I don't know if I am strong enough to do it on my own.

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