Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Whatever it takes!

I have come to a stage where I am saying "whatever it takes", when it comes to Charlotte and her health issues. 

I know that things will be hard around here until we find something to help with Charlotte and her reflux, and I guess also her milk protein allergy as well. So I am just going to say whatever it takes, and if that means I will be baby wearing her all day every day or singing to her to get her to open her mouth so that she can feed, then that is what I am going to do. And yes singing is what I have to do to get her to feed at the moment, but at least she is feeding.  One good thing is that she has double her birth weight (birth weight 2.7) to 5.4 kg, although coming up to 6 months she is still only 6.4kg and has only put a kilo on in 2 months.

At this stage she is on this special prescription formula, and well that isn't working so we have put her on her old formula until we see her pediatrician tomorrow to discuss our next options, whatever they might be. 

Although I am totally drained, and she is not sleeping more then 30 minutes during the day, and in between feeds there is more crying and screaming then smiles, I am going to focus on those smiles and try and get her and our family through this. 

The reason my pregnancy with Charlotte was so hard, is to prepare myself for the long road that we have ahead with her reflux.  

Also I decided that it was time for a bit of a blog change, so there is a nice new pretty pink background. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

When it rains, it pours

Things around here have been pretty crap. Charlotte's doctor has tried her on two new formulas in the past 4 days. The first one which was a soy based formula made her projectile vomit, which was so not good. The second one we have been taken things a lot slower and so far things have been a bit crap she has been a lot more irritable and has been crying a lot more and screaming. I really can't stand my daughter being in so much pain all the time, I want my daughter to be happy, I want her to know there is more to life. We have another appointment on Wednesday with her doc.

On Thursday I rushed Lachlan off to emergency as he had an allergic reaction to something, not really sure what, but with in 2 minutes he was covered in a bright red, hot, itchy rash. Thankfully the rash was the only problem. He was given some pretty strong antihistamines and was kept in for observations and by the morning the rash was pretty much gone, bar some patches that were are bit worse then others. He is home now and doing a lot better and is still on these drugs until Wednesday, we are going to get him allergy tested to see what he could have reacted too.

I would love to have a bit of a relaxation day lol

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The struggle with Reflux

I feel things will always be a struggle with us with Charlotte. We have completely stopped all puree's and all she is eating is rice cereal, although that seems to be hard work as well.

Everything seems to been going down hill at the moment with her reflux as she gets older, I really don't see things getting better for anytime soon.

The vomiting is still the same, with her vomiting after every bottle and they are fairly big vomits. Also the constant crying and screaming throughout the day which has been really hard on all of us, not to mention day sleeps which are non existent.

Dr Goodhew was putting together a plan to start to wean Charlotte off her meds in the next few months, but I feel we won't be able to do this and Charlotte will need to continue on them for some time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Been a while

It's been a while since I last blogged and I can honestly say that my motivation came to a gigantic hilt due to a nasty virus I got which has really hung around and seems to not want to go away. I have been having major headaches, fevers and constant fatigue, it has been horrible. So I haven't been doing any exercise at all, but due to the crap that my body has been going through I have lost 3kg.

Things with Charlotte have been crap to put it nicely. Solids have not been going well and we will probably have to stop and try again in a few weeks time. Also we might have to make our own baby food her so we can try things individually rather then using the store bought ones as they have all the foods mashed together.

Also her day sleeps have not been going to well but once again I think that is due to her reflux.

My dreamboat Lachlan has been awesome as ever and is so tentative of Charlotte and always wants to make her happy, it's a beautiful thing to watch. He is an awesome big brother.

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