Sunday, July 31, 2011

2 Negative tests...not hoping for a positive

So I tested on Thursday 28th and then again this morning and they were both BFNs, so I am thinking I might be out this cycle. Although AF hasn't shown up yet I am still thinking that there will be pregnancy this cycle.

This is our first cycle back into it so I wasn't really expecting to get a positive the first time around. It took us 6 moths to get Lachlan so I am not expecting it to happen straight away.

One problem I am noticing is that I really don't know when I am ovulating so I am going to have to buy some internet cheapy ovulation tests so I can pee on a stick as often as I want to see when I ovulate.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Possible side affects?

Currently CD16 and today I have been feeling really nauseous. I have never had any side affects from the metformin before and I am wondering if my body is just adjusting and now I am having side affects, if not why am I feeling like this? Who Knows lol.

Not much really happening on the Lachie front, he is still crawling along at rocket pace. We starting swimming lessons back up tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it, I love seeing Lachie get excited about going in the water.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

CD14 and some spotting.

Currently CD 14 and I had a bit of spotting this morning...well it wasn't exactly spotting it was a bit of (TMI ahead) blood stained CM. I have done a bit of reading and apparently you can have some spotting around the time you O, which would be really good for us as we had a bit of a BD session yesterday...well keeping fingers crossed that we caught that egg.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back on the Trying to Concive Train

That's right you have heard it first! Today is day one of DH and I TTC again. I am currently CD 13 and tonight was our first BD session. I am excited about having another bub, but I am also nervous as I am hoping not to miscarry again and I don't want to have a long TTC journey now that I have PCOS...we will see what happens.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Its been a while

It has been a while since I last did a post, I guess I have been taking some me time to sort out what is going on in my head.

Things around my place have been a bit up and down lately. We are trying to figure out how we will handle things as DH's back is still playing up and is going for a steroid injection on Wednesday to see if that will help with his pain. Thank God he is currently on holidays at the moment as I don't think we would be able to cope on just my part time pay.

We have all also been out with flu. I have been hit the worst I think as I still haven't fully recovered yet. We needed to take Lachlan to the hospital because of it as he was vomiting and not keeping fluids down and also started to get spots on his back. But like most kids he bounced back pretty quickly and he now racing around again.

I am still trying to come to terms with our latest loss. It has been hard as if all these angle babies were all full term and we were happy and healthy we would be done with having children as we would have our 4 beautiful babies. But sadly that isn't so. I am currently on Metformin and taking 1000mg daily so that I can try and get my cycles back into check so that I can start trying again. I am really looking forward to trying again. I loved being pregnant and reading about some of my blogging friends and some ladies IRL being pregnant is really making me miss it.

Last night we had a big party for my Grandmother who turned 85. We had a Christmas in July theme and it was really great. It was like a family reunion on my Mother's side and there was a lot of family there that has never met Lachlan before and it was really special. Lachlan was amazing little man and didn't mind being passed around to all these people that he had never met before and was giving them all a beautiful smile. It was well pass his bed time as well and when he eventually went to sleep in his pram it was 9pm and stayed asleep there until we went home at 11pm. It was really a great night.

Oh and we have our first tooth cutting through at the moment. I usually do a daily gum check to see if there is anything wanting to poke through, and this morning there was a very sharp little tooth starting to pop out. Very exciting!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I was going to come on here and tell you how my DH was going and how his procedure went and how Lachlan was doing but I have something that I need to get off my chest.

I got some results from my doctor that I was not ready to hear about.

Those couple of weeks of bleeding I had was an ectopic pregnancy that I miscarried.

I thought I was pregnant before I had done a couple of pregnancy tests but I got all negatives when I did them. But there was some feelings and signs that I had when I was pregnant with Jensen and Lachlan.

I am so sorry bubbles that you didn't stay sticky...But you were too precious for this world.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Returning to work tomorrow

I am a bit nervous about tomorrow as I am going back to work. I have had all this time off (I left work in September last year) and I really don't want to go back.

I always thought that once that I had kids I would be a stay at home mum, but things don't always work out the way we want.

As DH is still out of action due to his back, I have my sister coming over to look after Lachlan. I think I may be a little stressed as I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things prepared. I have written all the routines out for my sister, I have unpacked, cleaned and repacked my back. I have made sure that I have everything for work tomorrow, I have also laid out all my clothes and set things up in the bathroom so that I can get ready quickly.

I am not really sure how things will go tomorrow at work and I am hoping that i don't stuff up.


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