Thursday, April 26, 2012

19 weeks, 1 day - Sex reviled

Today was our 19 weeks and we got to find out the sex of our beautiful baby, and the sex is....A GIRL!!!

Both DH and I are so excited!!! I am not sure if Lachlan understands what is going on, but I know he would be excited too!

What came out of this ultrasound is that I have a low lying placenta and the baby is reading behind my due date by a week but the ultrasound persons was happy with the weight. So I can look forward to more placenta bleeding.

DH and I are planing on going crazy at the shops on the weekend lol

Sunday, April 15, 2012

17 weeks, 5 days

I honestly need to sit down with myself and ask myself, why do you do this?

Since when I saw Dr D at 12 weeks he told me that I wasn't allowed to have sex, well pardon the pun but I screwed that rule last night and now I am paying for it.

I am now almost 18 weeks and it has been almost 6 weeks since DH and I had been interment with one another, and if you know my past you would know I am a bit of an addict when it comes to sex, so this has been a really long time between drinks for us.

So to cut a long story short we tried last night and now I am really sore. I am not bleeding thank god, just in a fair amount of pain. I am so glutton for punishment, I should have really thought about things before we decided to do it.

DH has been really great about it and since Dr D gave us the orders to stop having sex he hasn't mentioned or pressured me to do it. I must say I am pretty lucky.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

17 weeks 1 day

Still in pain, but had my appointment with Dr D yesterday and he says things are still looking good and my cervix is still closed.

I have been given the opportunity to review SRC Pregnancy shorts so I am hoping they might be able to help me. Apparently these shorts can help relieve back and pelvic pain. Fingers crossed hey.

Every OB appointment I have I get to see bub and it is looking so beautiful, I so can't wait for the morph scan on the 26th April, and I can't wait to find out the sex I am soooooo excited! We are still debating if we will tell everyone else though, it might be nice to keep it our own little secret.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

16 weeks, 1 day

On Monday (2nd April) afternoon I started having pain around my pelvic area so I decided that I would have Tuesday off to rest and relax, but the pain started to increase in pain and by Wednesday it was getting to hard to sit or lay down and the pain started to come with downward pressure and I was starting to get worried. So I waited until 8.30am when Dr D's office opened and rang them, luckily when I rang Dr D had just walked through the door and told me to come in straight away.

I am very lucky that my parents live so close and are willing to drop everything to help. My mum and brother looked after Lachlan and my dad drove me in to the appointment. I contacted DH and let him know what was happening and told him not to worry and I would contact him to let him know what was going on.

When I got to the appointment I had an ultrasound done by Dr D straight away as he was worried as he thought that I might be going into labour!! Lucky everything was alright and my cervix was fine and bub was having a snooze. Unfortunately Dr D couldn't tell me the sex as bub was not showing his bits.

Dr D put me on bed rest (once again) and told to take it easy. I see him Next Wednesday for another check up.

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