Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hello motivation

So I still have a residual cough from my bronchitis, but starting 5.30am tomorrow that isn't going to stop me! That's right I am getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and exercising. 

Over the past 6 days I have been getting motivation for everything!

It first started last Tuesday (25/3). I came home from work and was really in the mood to study and I have been studying everyday since. 

I have also been cleaning up a storm around the house, wanting everything to have a place in house and also wanting to make our place more homely...which is very unlike me. 

Then come today. I want to exercise, really, really exercise. I have set my alarm for 5am for my work days and 6am for the days I don't work, and I am going to get out of bed and kill it in my little gym area. 

I am so hoping this motivation continues as it has come at a great time. I want to finish my diploma and I would love to look in the mirror and be happy at the person looking back at me. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Always it seems like too long since I last blogged. Sometimes it is because I don't want to bore you with my day to day crap, and other times I am just not really sure what I should talk about. 

I can tell you one thing, the 12 week body transformation I was doing was a complete failure. I ended up getting a chest infection which turned into bronchitis! I was really into it as well, I was getting up each and every morning to exercise and I was so motivated, but then I started to get this cough and I just couldn't exercise with out getting into a coughing fit or getting really short of breath. 

I have already decided that I am going to take not of the exercise program and start again. I really need to do this. 

On other matters the kids are just perfect. Lachlan has really turned into a awesome little man, although his fussiness in terms of meal times is really starting to frustrate M and I. We have tried everything and it is now starting to come to, if Lachlan doesn't have his dinner, then he goes to be without. 

Charlotte on the other hand is happy to eat anything we put in front of her and will try anything, she even eats eel! She has also taking this whole walking thing in her stride (pardon the pun). She loves her new found freedom of being able to walk anywhere she wants, but she is a total rough nut lol. 

On the subject of another bub, it is up in the air at the moment. There is some health issues I need to sort out and it seems to be pushing it back further and further. Both M and I don't want to have a large gap, so what ever happens in the next few months might make the decision for us. 

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