Saturday, July 28, 2012

32 weeks, 4 days

So yesterday was a very eventful afternoon, it started off with me seeing my hematologist. My appointment was for 3pm and at the appointment I was meant to get my letter of approval to be able to have an epidural or a spinal (I had to get this with Lachlan as well). I unfortunately I didn't get my letter as my doctor wants to recheck my results closer to when baby is born (so my c-section date). I also found out at this appointment that my B12 is low so I will need to get B12 injections every two weeks before our little princess is born. Now it is perfectly safe to have these injections and my hematologist said that it will be beneficial for bub and I to have them as B12 helps a lot of things.

Also yesterday I was feeling weird. I don't really know how to explain it but yeah I was feeling weird. Plus over the past couple of days I have had diarrhea (sorry TMI) and I wasn't physically sick like you would if you had gastro, and on Wednesday I had so painful Braxton hicks. DH and I both thought it would be a good idea to ring my birthing suites (as my OB was closed for the evening). I told them what had been happening and they told me to come in straight away. When we got there they checked me over and also bub and after 1 and 1/2 hours they sent me home to rest and told me to come back today (Saturday 28/7) if the diarrhea continued.

So it is Saturday and I haven't had anymore diarrhea (yet). It just seems like one thing after another for me, the nurse actually said to me as I was leaving that I just needed to hold out 4 more weeks. Well that is the plan anyway.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

32 weeks, 2 days

Had some good news at my appointment yesterday with Dr D, all my bloods and my urine tests came back clear and I am free of any infections!! This is a complete weight off my mind as I was stressing about it all weekend and also Dr D said he was really worried about me as I have had so many issues throughout this pregnancy. 

I won't be seeing Dr D for 2 weeks (as he says he has given me a week off lol) and in that same week I will also be having my ultrasound (so excited!). 

I have also been having this pain under my right rib and because I don't have a gallbladder (so no gallstones) and my blood pressure is perfect (so no pre eclampsia) so I have put it down to either a foot under my rib (as her head is down) or stretching. I had this same pain with Lachlan and there was no issues then either. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

31 weeks, 3 days

Had my OB appointment today and things weren't good. I have a lot of protein in my urine (although my blood pressure was perfect) and Dr D seems to think that I might have some sort of infection. So tomorrow I am off to get some bloods and 2 urine tests and I will need to see him again next week. There was also a couple of other bad results as well but I don't really want to go into it at this time.

I really would like things to get a bit easier but I don't think that will happen in my case. 

I didn't exactly get a date for my c-section but I got some idea, I think he doesn't want to set a date just yet just in case things change. 

I think most of my night will be sent on Dr Google (bad I know) but I need to find some sort of information to see if this is a bad thing or not for my current circumstances. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

30 weeks, 5 days

Ok I have been a bit slack and haven't posted since 29 weeks (I made a deal with myself that I would post at least once a week).

I had an ultrasound last Friday (13/07) to check how bub was growing as due to one of my blood conditions and the bleeding I have had with my placenta Dr D was worried that bub might be falling behind in weight. Thankfully we got some good news from the ultrasound, bub is 1.5kg and growing fine, measuring right on date! Also at the ultrasound we find that bubs head is extremely low, but of course you never get much out of the ultrasound people so I will just have to wait for my appointment this week with Dr D (he has been away on holidays and is back this week). 

DH, Lachlan and I had a big weekend this weekend past. On Saturday we headed to Sydney to see DH's mum and have a BBQ there which was really nice and it was a nice sunny day and Lachlan had a lot of fun with his two cousins. Then on Sunday we headed up to Picton way and saw DH's dad who had booked a day at the 'Day out with Thomas' (Thomas the tank engine at Train Works). Lachlan is more in to Bob the Builder now but is still a big fan of Thomas so he had a great day! And of course DH and my FIL were big kids and enjoyed themselves too, I on the other hand probably should have backed off a little and should of had a day of rest, oh and I forgot we went to my parents for dinner on Sunday night as well. I am glad that Lachlan is in childcare today so that I can have a day of rest on the couch (when I should be cleaning as the house looks like a bomb has hit it!).

Next weekend thankfully won't be as busy as Saturday we have nothing on and on Sunday we are going out for lunch with DH's family. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

29 weeks

I have been the queen of mucus this week with DH having the man flu and little Lachie having the flu. Last Wednesday (27th June) Lachlan had a horrible day crying from sun up to sun down and he was rolling around in pain, at first I thought it was because of teeth (as he does have some new ones coming through) but then the cough started. 

I ended taking both of them to the Doctors on the Thursday and they both got antibiotics (Lachlan's first in his life) which they both started on the Friday. DH has made pretty much a full recovery with just a little cough to bug him now, but Lachlan still has a really chunky cough that is really bugging him and having coughing fits at night which almost make him vomit (my poor little monkey). We have a second repeat on his antibiotics, but I think I would like to take him back to the GP before we start it just in case it has mutated into something else (with all possibility with him going to child care now it could have). 

But with looking after germy people (LOL) you will often end up getting their germs, so low and behold I have now got a case of the runny noses, headache, ear ache and sore neck, not to mention fatigue but that could be a mixture of 3 trimester fatigue and the cold that I have gotten. I know there is really nothing for me to take while I am pregnant so I am keeping up the fluids and taking panadol when needed, if I end up feeling crappier or end up getting a high temp I will either see my GP or call the midwives at my birthing hospital.

In Other news I had my Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) on Monday (2nd July) I was meant to have it on Saturday (30th June) but with my boys being sick and sitting up all night with Lachlan on the Friday it just wasn't possible and I was completely exhausted! So Monday it was. My sister came with me to keep me company as the test goes for 2hours (plus the waiting to be seen before hand so it was about 2 and half hours all up). The drink was just how I remembered with Lachlan, DISGUSTING!!! 

So I sculled down the glucose drink (much to my sisters surprise) and started my wait for my second round of bloods. They forgot me for 15 minutes after my hour was up so my second wait was only 45 minutes. 

I won't get these results until I see Dr D on the 20th July (Dr D is currently away). 

Only 8 more days until we get to see our princess again!!

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