Wednesday, May 23, 2012

23 weeks

an style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;">Yesterday I had my appointment with Dr D and we discussed the results of my infection as it wasn't really discussed in hospital as all the results weren't back. He has decided to keep me on the antibiotics until I finish them in 6 days (sigh). I am really struggling to take them 4 times a day, as I need to take them with a meal and at night before bed when I should take the 4th dose I am not really hungry so I have been missing it....I am sure it won't kill me to not take it then as I am still taking the medication just 3 times instead of 4.

Baby is also measuring a week behind at the moment, but he isn't too concerned at this stage as I was unwell the pas week. 

My only concern at the moment and I will have to remember to bring it up at my next appointment is that when bub kicks me in the cervix I feel like there is a bubble that has popped inside. I know it sounds weird and I feel weird saying it, but I think I will have to ask him about it. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

21 weeks, 6 days

Well it has been over a week since I lasted updated and things have been a bit nuts around here.

Lachlan started childcare on the 7th May. He was really excited to get to play with the other kids and I was super impressed with myself that I didn't cry...until I got into the car and started to drive away and the tears began to flow. Put it down to hormones or put it down to the normal mummy response, but deep down I knew I was doing the right thing. Lachlan doesn't see his two cousins (Ruby and Violet), the reasons are stupid why they don't see each other and he doesn't have any little friends to play with and both DH and I thought that it was a good idea for him to socialise with children around his age.

As I work late on Monday I got a call from my father who picked him up (DH couldn't get away to pick him up, he was really upset about that) and a little girl had scratched Lachlan's face as he wasn't giving her his undivided attention. God was I pissed!!! I was do not to send him the next day, I was so upset and cried when when I saw Lachlan that night, was of course fine, but the mumma in me was livid. When I went into the childcare the next day they explained to me what happened and did put my mind at ease about the whole thing.

Last Thursday Lachlan also must have got his first childcare bug. He had high temps for two days of 39 and over and they were thankful brought down by piggy backing nurofen and panadol.

I have been feeling lots of movement from little miss and even started to see my belly move when she kicks. We might also be close on a name which exciting.

I am still getting some pain as well, and although I was only supervising my sisters move (the boys were doing all of the lifting) I still pulled up really sore, must have been most of the standing.

Well I better get back to work.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

20 weeks, 1 day

I am having such a flat day today, I just feel like I have no energy and no motivation. I thought the half way mark you were meant to get your energy back! It probably doesn't help that when DH gets up in the morning I suddenly realise I need to pee so I get up, and of course I can never get back to sleep.

Yesterday I also had my appointment with Dr D and it looks like my placenta is covering my cervix, Dr Davis isn't too concerned just yet as it could move, but with me having a c-section anyway I am not going to worry until there is something to worry about.

I also had blood in my pee again. It is a little stressful that I am still bleeding and probably doesn't help that my placenta is covering my cervix. Dr D is still going to keep a close eye on me.

I also got to see my little princess again, she was having a good wiggle. Dr D was excited for us that we are having a girl, he has 2 girls himself.

Lachlan, my other little baby (lol not so little anymore) will be starting child care next Monday. I know that he is ready and it would be good for him to socialise with other children his age, he has cousins but he doesn't really see them due to family problems. I bet he will be fine, he has gone and played there for a couple of hours a couple of times a week since getting the call he was accepted, I am probably the one that will cry like a baby lol.


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