Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Not getting excited just yet.

I know I wasn't going to test until the 16th September (my birthday!!), but I have been feeling a lot of symptoms that I had with Lachlan (or I am going crazy and wishing I felt these symptoms), and with having PCOS and OPKs not working I thought that I would be sneaky and test.

Now there is a very faint (and I mean very faint) second line.

I am not going to get excited just yet just in case it is an evaporation line.

I will test again on Thursday or Friday and we will see if it darkens up a bit ;)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Still No Positives

Well the OPKs are still coming back negative, but some one from the PCOS group on BH said that with having PCOS they might not work, apparently her FS said that it has something to do with the mismatched hormones that are going on with people with PCOS. Which gives me some relief, but I will still get the blood test to see if I am Oing to be on the safe side.

On another note DH and I were talking today and he mentioned that I could be pregnant (not really sure what we were talking about) and ever since he said that I have been looking into everything!!! I have been peeing a lot (sorry for TMI) and I can't remember if I have drunk a lot of water today or not. I have also had a stuffy nose as well and I know the cycle when I found out I was pregnant with Lachlan I had a stuffy nose.

I hope this doesn't end in disappointment.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

No Positive

Well I have been using OPKs for about 5 days now and there is no positive...and there getting fainter.

I guess I am not Oing.

I am in such a bad place right now, thank god I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Starting fresh

Tomorrow is a start of a brand new working week and for me it is the start of a week where I am going to try and make things less stressful and complicated for myself.

We are in the process of trying for baby #2 (happy dance) and with state of my depression like it is I am hoping I can become more relaxed and become pregnant with our second sooner.

As well as making things less complicated and stressful I am planing on losing weight as well, with this PCOS it has slowed my weight loss (most of my weight is in my abdomen region) and I am feeling like I am getting self esteem issues, so I am going to nip that in the butt straight away and I am starting my weight loss journey from tomorrow!!!

In TTC life:

I am currently sitting at CD 13 and still don't have a positive OPK yet, I was kind of hoping that I would get one soon, I guess I was hoping that the Metformin was fixing my cycles and that I was back to my 34 day cycle, but I guess we are just not there yet.

Lachlan's Life:

In the life of my beautiful baby he is perfect!!! I love him to bits! We are still not standing on our own or walking, but since he started crawling at 5 months he has defiantly mastered it! I think he might be having a bit of separation anxiety during the night as he has been so big crying spells in the middle of the night when I or DH has gone to resettle him. Fingers crossed that he doesn't last long.

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19th Day Of Hope

Today I would like everyone to take a moment and remember all the families out there that have lost a baby.

Unfortunately I am one of those parents that know the pain of lost.

It has been 2 years, 10 months, 3 weeks and 4 days since I gave birth to my Jensen and he was born still.

I have also 2 other angels that are as equally loved as Lachlan and Jensen.

Peanut who I lost 1 year, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days ago and Bubble who I lost 3 months, 3 weeks and 2 days ago.

To all my angels that are no longer with us we love and miss you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

CD 3....and a 2nd tooth!

Well as you can see I am currently CD 3. It wasn't a big shock as I was half expecting that she was right around the corner. One thing I was happy about is that the Metformin seemed to have helped my cycle as I had a 33 day cycle (well I am being positive that it helped).

Lachlan also has another tooth coming through, it is so weird to think that he is no longer a gummy monster.

I have also being having problems with work. I have been getting really anxious about going to work. I am not worried about Lachlan as he is with my parents and they trust them completely. I have no idea why I am feeling this way.

So today I went to the doctors and have got a new referral to a psychologist and my meds upped. We will see how things go.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Well tomorrow is CD 30 and still no AF...so I am going to be testing tomorrow. Thank God I work somewhere where I can get free tests!!!

I am not sure if I have much hope or not. I have had a bit of on and off cramping and some back pain today. I also have had a lot of creamy CM so I have been a bit moist ...but all these things could be anything.

We will have to just wait for tomorrow.

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